Diet Coke


Full Member
Hi everyone!

Was just wondering if I could pick the brains of all you VLCD experts out there. I am being good and drinking lots of water and black coffee and black tea, but would it do any harm to have the odd glass of diet coke?

Anyone know??

Hiya if I remember correctly from my days on the Cambridge diet, I would say avoid completley or until you are at least fully in ketosis. However If you do decide to have diet coke be aware that the citric acid content can delay or kick you out of ketosis, which can slow your weight loss..

If you really must, I am told that Coke Zero has no citric acid (I am really not sure I don't drink any coke so please double check), also up your water intake, and have no more than half a glass a day, but be prepared for any consequences....

Please note that the above is just my own personal opinion, based on my time on CD, everyone is different. Best to email Exante and get them to give you a direct reply which will really help you and us as well.


If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end.
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Hi there. I'm almost in perfect agreement with Barbie2B except that I'd go so far as to say you really shouldn't drink it at all. I know it's hard with such limited choice but that really is the point of the diet and personally I would be too concerned about knocking myself out of ketosis.

However, as B2B said that is my opinion - TFR is not a law it is a diet and you can choose to do it however you wish, just be aware of the consequences.

MissieMai - Exante Total Solution is a TFR so the anything in small amounts approach won't actually be feasible but if yummy101 is not doing Total Solution she may well be able to have some diet coke. I don't know what Solution she is following so couldn't say but if it is Total then it requires total abstinence.

The safe side is always the best side when it comes to your ketones :D
I like to have my water in a wine glass at night with my husband - just for variety !! its all in the mind you know !!! :)