diet coke

Quick question...does that mean one could drink sugar free Red studying and sometimes I need a pick me up thats not water but if its not advisable I wont have it!!
I can confidently say no, that is not allowed. You will have to stick to coffee unfortunately.

Hope all goes well with your studies. What are you studying Diva?
lol - yes, the softer side of chemicals. A bit ironic really, we are trying to wean ourselves from unhealthy habits and glugging litre after litre of chems!!! :D Still, I am quite happy to do that!

better living chemicals we always say!!! :D

Fiery Ginger Beer sounds nice! Is that like ginger ale?

It is like ginger beer - but with a real bite that takes yur breath away!

I cannot remember whether it is from Sainsbury or Tesco (or both)
hehe.. never had ginger beet.. might have to give it a try in some far off distant time when i can.. lol..

yeah.. we have to pay approx 7 quid for the flavours.. a lot of money i hear people say.. naaaaah.. i use about quater of a teaspoon (if that) in a litre of water.. so think about how much i would spend on coke.. as apposed to water flavourings.. hehe..

x x
lol.. i was guessing.. i dont really pay attention to the cost.. oops.. but thats how much i thought on CD..
x x