Differences you've suddenly noticed

I'm a lot more positive about things since starting on my SW journey and look forward to a lot of new adventures that me and OH are planning! I'm certainly less grumpy than I ever was and Sue I'm so with you on the crossing legs thing! xx
I've also noticed that I can cross my legs a lot easier, lol! I also feel more refreshed when waking up on a morning - used to feel sluggish on the same amount of sleep. Hadn't realised that until someone previous mentioned having more energy!!
Its a bit of an opposite to the actual thread but I have noticed with my recent weight gain how awful I feel. Sluggish, heavy, flabby and tight in clothes and generally uncomfortable. Its a bit of a wake-up call as I am determined to not slip back into 18's and I know that I am definitely going to FEEL better as I lose weight as I have already had a taste of it .. if that makes sense?
Oh and I have lost 2 chins! On the minus side when I suck my stomach in it has more pleats than a Klingons forehead!
I can exercise without calling for the paramedics! And when I sit down my belly isn't resting half way down my thighs :eek:

"Oh and I have lost 2 chins! On the minus side when I suck my stomach in it has more pleats than a Klingons forehead! "

:thankyou: Judimac - thank you, Youve made me laugh so much. So true, every word, You must get fat in the same places I do! At least its not our boobs that are resting on our stomachs, that would be a frightening sight indeed.
Thank you for that moment, just what I needed:)
Oh Judimac, that did make me laugh...

I think for me it's the obvious one of walking into shops like New Look (yeah, I know they do an extra sized range) and being able to pick stuff up from the normal range - and things like standing at the photocopier at work 'feeling' my waistline rather than the blobby jelly mass that has been the norm for so long.