Discover Dinx's Diary - new year = new me....bring it on :D

Hi hun! If I could WI on a Friday I defo would as long as u wont go too mad.. sounds good to me..good luck tomorrow!! BTW u don't look old enough to be a grandma! :D I might have to hit poundland! xx
Hi hun! If I could WI on a Friday I defo would as long as u wont go too mad.. sounds good to me..good luck tomorrow!! BTW u don't look old enough to be a grandma! :D I might have to hit poundland! xx

Im not old enough lol, im 38 in September...was a young mum, my boy is a young dad....but hes an awesome one :)
Awww lovely :) good luck tomorrow x
well........ got the shock of my life this morning...had to get on the scales twice to double check....lost 3lb!!!:whistle:

was thinking maybe 1/2lb as i havent gone the whole week cos of wi day change but ill flippinwell take that tyvm!!!

been awake since 2am, cant get moving but got loads to get done, bloody typical! gotta venture into town so gonna have a look in poundland while im there, although ours is a pretty naff one that stocks sod all normally...might get a surprise though!

gonna go out for dinner tonight to the harvester and have simply chicken for 8.5 and salad bar so will have a light lunch and still be sensible.

will update later, but taking it easy on myself today :)

hope you all have a fandabbydosy day!!!
Well done u superstar! Enjoy harvester :) xx
Well done, you fabulous ladyyyy!! that is fantastice news :D

and yayyy your weighing in on a friday now same as me! Love it :)

You three boys are bloody gorgeous xxx
Yayyyy well done Dinx that is brilliant :):) Well done for keeping at it, you're so good!! Bet you're right happy. Hope you're feeling a bit better now and managed to find some goodies in poundland today :D Have a nice meal tonight, you should treat yourself to a pudding hehe.

I think it's a brill idea to change your weigh in to a friday for sure. I weigh myself Saturday mornings as I know I often end up slacking off a bit at the weekends :) Glad it's worked out well for you xx
thanks angel....had a nice tea, didnt have a pud, and still had a jacket potato instead of chips, but didnt worry about the points. Back on it 100% tomorrow and looking forward to a good week :), totm hit me today so my frame of mind may well change and ill be out in my jimjams at 3am hunting for a 24 hr shop to raid lol

feeling really positive, the fact that ive managed a good loss when im just not active enough to class anything as exercise is awesome for my confidence in myself. I read a lot about people doing the shred, or walking miles every day and this might sound mad but im sooo jealous of them! ah well...never mind, onwards and downwards eh!!

good luck with your wi tomorrow, will be stopping by to check on your result :)
thanks angel....had a nice tea, didnt have a pud, and still had a jacket potato instead of chips, but didnt worry about the points. Back on it 100% tomorrow and looking forward to a good week :), totm hit me today so my frame of mind may well change and ill be out in my jimjams at 3am hunting for a 24 hr shop to raid lol

feeling really positive, the fact that ive managed a good loss when im just not active enough to class anything as exercise is awesome for my confidence in myself. I read a lot about people doing the shred, or walking miles every day and this might sound mad but im sooo jealous of them! ah well...never mind, onwards and downwards eh!!

good luck with your wi tomorrow, will be stopping by to check on your result :)

Glad you had a nice tea hun, sounds yummy!! Well done for being so good too, wish I was a s good as you lol, I would have been straight on the chips ;) hehe!! Haha love it, hope the totm munchies don't hit.. especially at that time in the morning :D

Ah I'm glad you're feeling confident, you have lost loads!! I know what you mean, as soon as you're not able to do something you just wish you could!! It does sound like you're out and about a lot and walking lots!! Have a lovely weekend, take it easy

Thannnkkk youu, fingers tightly crossed xx
It does sound like you're out and about a lot and walking lots!!

I am out and about as much as possible, but whenever we go anywhere i have to use a bloody mobility scooter :( I can walk about 50 meters before im in too much pain to carry on, but its about 50 mtrs to the bottom of the road where my dil works so i can just about manage the walk down there, then i can sit and rest til its time to stroll back again. I can drive a lot better than I can walk...hmmmm I wonder how many activity points I could get for driving lol
I am out and about as much as possible, but whenever we go anywhere i have to use a bloody mobility scooter :( I can walk about 50 meters before im in too much pain to carry on, but its about 50 mtrs to the bottom of the road where my dil works so i can just about manage the walk down there, then i can sit and rest til its time to stroll back again. I can drive a lot better than I can walk...hmmmm I wonder how many activity points I could get for driving lol

Ahh I see hun, bless ya that sounds tough!! Eh you never know the driving points could be adding up lol :) hehe. Take it easy xx
Sounds like a nice meal out :) keep up the good work xx
grrrrr if anyone sees the driver of the train that ran me over in the night, kick his ass for me plz! feeling like poo today :(

ah well...on we go, i hate whining!

B - oss 2.5


L - 2 x thins 3, ham 0.5, light mayo 0.5, ww cheese 2, tomato and onion (made into toasties which were lushhhh)
baked 1.5
peaches in jelly 0.5
ww yog 1


S - ww cookies 1.5

D - curry 2.5
rice 4.5
free veg stir fry

20/26 for the day, can feel a snack comin on later!!! it is saturdaynight after a dvd to watch, so nibblies are in order i think :)
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Sounds yummy! Hope u feel better soon xx
well i was hoping to be out n about doing something/anything today but my legs have hyad other ideas...stupid legs grrrrr. so looks like im stayiong put. dil is making her famous curry for dinenr tonight...cant wait...but in the mean time im having a brew with some ww cookies

so 13/26 for the day so far

ps if my typing is crap, bleame the fingers, they have a mind of their own some times...sorry
Hope ur legs feel better! Enjoy the curry xx
Hiya Dinx

Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit crap today..hopefully you'll have improved by tomorrow. My mother in law suffers from ME and I know she has some days that are just awful!

Hope you enjoyed your DVD tonight, we're watching DVD tonight too, OH's choice..not really my cup of tea, speaking of which I think I'm going to go and have one!

Quick question...the thins you had for lunch are they warbuton thins? A girl in work was talking about them and said they are great...was looking for them in tesco other day and couldn't see them. Do you get them in the bakery bit?? Jo x
Hugs Dinx xx
CC they are indeed the warbys thins, and they are normally very well hidden, if you see someone in tescos buried up to their necks in bread, throwing stuff everywhere like a mad thing...they're looking for thins!!! anywayyyyyy........ enough about my addiction *shakes* they are sooo lush!! normally near the pittas, crumpets...that kinda thing. hard to spot, but worth the extra hour looking for them lol
well its fathers day a week early in my son is off for a couple of days and his birthday is friday, and fathers day is sunday so we are having those days today as he will be working next weekend. Going to the coast for a walk (scoot) and gonna have fish and chips!!!! worked out its 17 points for cod and chips...and i have 20 to use today as i have had 2.5 for brekkie, and 3.5 for dinner tonight. ww meal for dinner tonight with free veggies so after loads of worrying that i mustnt have it, im gonna go and flippin have it!!! me and my son are goin to the local comedy club tonight to see rufus hound of tv.... cant wait, gonna be ace!!

hope you all have a lovely day :)