Disappointing first weigh in - advice please


plodding away
Evening all

Had my first weigh in tonight and lost 1lb. I obviously would have liked to lose more but realise that my weight loss has slowed down. I did sign up to monthly pass and when I got home and logged on according to on line I should be having 32 points a day - now last week at class I was told 27 by one of the helpers. I've stuck to 27 daily and used all my weekly points and am now a tad worried about upping them to the right amount of 32. Was wondering what other people thought, could having too few points this week have reduced the weight I could have lost if I had had the 32 I should be having?

Any thoughts very welcome x
Don't worry about upping them. There's a good chance that the helper made a mistake working out your points. If you typed your details into esource correctly then go with that and mention it to your leader the next time you see her. Your losses may be a little bit bigger now as you will be eating the points you are meant to, as silly as that sounds :)
Hi Vanda

I seriously doubt that the few points less would have made any difference, especially as you have used your weekly points (they are there to be used). Keep planning your meals at least a day in advance, point everything so that you know EXACTLY what the point values you are eating. I have always gone with the philosophy that ANY loss is good. at the rate of 1lb a week you will be nearly 4 stone lighter in 12 months time :) Well done on your loss this week !
You always think 1lb loss isn't that good but when you think 4 stones in a year, it becomes massive!
Thanks for the replies :)

I checked with the group leader and apparently 27 is the right amount of points. Looks like I may just have to be happy with a slower weight loss now x
Was it e-source that told you that you should have more points?
I had a similar thing, told one thing by the lady at weigh in, but e-source gave me another 4 points, when I checked with the leader e-source were correct and the weigh in lady had made a mistake.
It was indeed e source. I signed up for monthly pass and when I input my details was told 32. Although thinking about it I am sure I was on 32 points when I was a good few stone heavier last time I did WW. 27 will have to be enough :)