Disgusting Sun Topic Fatties Should be denied IVF!

Hmm. This is where I am with all this -

When we were told that our only 'significant' chance of being able to have a baby was through a type of IVF (ICSI for those who know what that means) we were keen to get started on the IVF route. My BMI at that point was about 32. Our reasons for IVF were three fold - 1) I have PCOS so have never had a regular cycle and have always suffered from several PCOS symptoms such as weight and excess hair. 2) My husband's sperm had poor motility (i.e they weren't good at swimming) and morphology (i.e they weren't the right shape) and 3) one of my tubes is blocked, therefore I only have 1 one working tube.

So, IVF looked like a ray of light in an otherwise cloudy atmosphere. At BMI 32 though they wouldn't even consider me for the NHS funded IVF. In my area you get ONE NHS IVF treatment. In other areas you get THREE. In some areas a BMI of 32 is accepted, in others, like mine, it isn't. It is a lottery of judgement.

Now some people may wonder what the point of going down a road often filled with heartache really achieves. After all IVF only has a roughly 25% success rate. If you know you only have 1 chance because you can't afford the £4500 for each other try then why put yourself through that? Well, for me and my husband, having children was always a part of life we desperately wanted. Many of you say it isn't a 'right' to have children - whilst I agree partly with this I do believe it is everyone's right to be able to try to have children if they desire it and IF they can be good parents to that child.
Not so long ago the amazing technologies used in fertility clinics nowadays didn't exist. Had we lived 50 years ago we would have simply been one of those couples who had to accept that children and grandchildren weren't on the horizon. However, we don't live in that time anymore. We live in a country where every day there are people who do know how to fix this problem, so shouldn't there be the opportunity for it to be fixed if it can be?

Now I accept that in the grand scheme of things, if, say, the government had to chose to spend £10, 000 on either new fertility treatment or new cancer treatment that the cancer treatment would be more appropriate. However, much money on the NHS is spent of not just saving lives but also on improving the quality of people's lives. For example eczema treatment, you may have eczema, it won't kill you, but if you have the right creams your life would be a lot happier. It's a similar principle with infertility. You don't NEED in a life threatening sense the fertility treatment, but if a child is something you have deeply desired and you know you can provide a loving environment for that child then your life will be improved by it.

So, we have the great technology in the this country to be able to improve people's lives by helping them conceive, not just IVF but there are several different types of fertility help, simple ones like drugs and obviously invasive ones like operations to try to fix internal damage, etc.

The problem here is that someone has decided to step forward and say that whilst the technology is there, not everyone who wants it deserves it. I can understand the medical reasons for over (or under) weight people being denied the treatment and I think that on paper that sounds fair.... However... it draws a thick black line and tells everyone over that line to go home. It doesn't allow for various factors. For example, we knew 2 of the 3 problems we were facing had nothing to do with my weight. I could be size 0 and my husband's sperm wouldn't be any better from it. I admit that my PCOS is intertwined with my weight and I do believe that controlling my weight is the key to controlling my PCOS. Was I offered any help to control my weight though? Was I explained the affects of PCOS or given any real help to deal with it? No, I was told 'just lose weight'.

So anyway, I did go home and I did lose weight and I got my BMI to 29.9 (!!!). The ironic conclusion to that story is that I then fell pregnant naturally.....!

However I do believe that each and every case should be judged on its own merits. The waiting list for IVF is VERY long, three years in some areas. Imagine how much weight you could lose in that time. They won't put you on the list at all though until they like your BMI. :confused: I agree that for most people, if they desire a child enough to go through significantly involved fertility treatment then they must care enough to get their bodies into the best shape they can. This applies to anyone planning on becoming parents in fact. I believe if a couple can show that they are preparing for the life long journey of being a parent, for example trying to lose weight, give up smoking, become financially secure etc etc, then they ought to be given a fair go. An obese lady could fall pregnant at her first attempt at IVF whilst a very slim lady might take 15 attempts (I know this as I know a lady who was perfectly healthy and thin and did take 15 attempts to get pg).

As for the cost of the pregnancy on the NHS... well a friend of mine recently had a baby, she was/is a very healthy weight. And she was low risk, it was her second. However she had a breech baby and needed several (8 I believe) scans and nearly ended up with a C-section but luckily at the eleventh hour the baby turned. So a perfectly healthy woman can end up costing the NHS loads on the birth anyway....


much the way i feel, but you are much better at putting it across than me....
Well....the thing is the media who women who are morbidly obese as an example of obese women, therefore it is assumed that all obese women are like that. I personally I am considered morbidly obese at 19.5st and 5'3. But you know what? I exercise daily, I eat healthily and I am a good mother! And I needed help too....but since they wouldn't help me ( say i was too fat- lose weight) I did and fell naturally, but we tried for 8 years! Not 6 months...or a year or two. I lost 45 lbs in a few months and got PG...and I have just done the same again. i lost 30 lbs in the last 2 months and I am not pg again. And I too have PCOS. Mild but I have it. I just hate the fact that everyone is tarred with the same stereo type. Yes, there are fat people that eat like horses, and just watch telly all day, it's true. But a majority of fat and overweight people so try adn do something about it. Eat healthier, try to exercise more, and so things with themselves. We aren't all like the dipiction the media protrays us all to be. More and more people are overweight and obese and some need help. I think they should help the woman lose the weight through natual means. Help them join gyms, and get them dietitions to help with their diets. But they don't they just say go lose weight! Smokers get help, alcoholics get help. So should heavier/larger people.

I never NEEDED a child, I wanted a child. We wanted someone to share our love with. And he is the most precious person in our life. And the thought I couldn't help is awful. They were good int he sense they told me at the time if I got down to 16.7 stone they would help me, so I had a goal and worked for it. I when i got there, i got PG and then they offered help. Which was far too late. Maybe if they helpped women to lose the weight, it would be less costly as some would concieve naturally.
My doctor told me that he can prescribe exercise on the NHS and there is a lot of help on the NHS for overweight people.
He has offered to precribe me Xenical and Reductil to help me lose weight, but in the end I knew that it had to be my willpower to change my lifestyle, rather than turning to medication. He also said that there is an obesity clinic that I can attend which gives you lots of practicial advice. There is help on the NHS for overweight people, you just have to ask for or it, or find a doctor who is sympathetic.
In my old surgery when the doctor told me that I had cysts on my ovaries and would never conceive naturally I asked if I had the cysts cus I was overweight or if I was overweight cus of the cysts. The doctor said "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" This was followed up with "it will be difficult for you to lose weight but it would help!" No offer of help, no words of comfort... NOTHING!

In my new surgery my doctor is great and I got the SW vouchers and offers of help from them. It does make a difference if you have a good doctor
Yea, I agree. I have been very lucky in that my Doctors have been great. I do feel for those people whose Doctors are unsupportive.
Yea, I agree. I have been very lucky in that my Doctors have been great. I do feel for those people whose Doctors are unsupportive.
my dr is a useless pile of doggy poop, the kind that blames everything you go in for on weight if you are overweight. he is patronising and damn right rude!!!
I would change Dr then. No-one needs to be treated like that.
my dr is a useless pile of doggy poop, the kind that blames everything you go in for on weight if you are overweight. he is patronising and damn right rude!!!

all medical 'proffesionals' are rude when it comes to people being overweight. i had a bmi of JUST over 25 and the nurse who was at least twice my size went on and on about how i was overweight when i went for a check up, she really reveled in it and its horrible
you should of said but if i need to do something about my weight then you definatly do :D

lol i was just a bit shocked really, i think i was like 17 at the time and personally i think its a bit irresponsible to be telling people who are young and impressionable to loose weight when they are so close to the healthy weight range, im an adult now and can decide for myself but really what if i developed an eating disorder, surely being 3lbs overweight is better than suffer from anorexia or bulemia?
lol i was just a bit shocked really, i think i was like 17 at the time and personally i think its a bit irresponsible to be telling people who are young and impressionable to loose weight when they are so close to the healthy weight range, im an adult now and can decide for myself but really what if i developed an eating disorder, surely being 3lbs overweight is better than suffer from anorexia or bulemia?

Not for three pounds but generally I think people SHOULD be told they are overweight (although I am aware they must already know it) I wish that my doctor or nurse had shocked me into losing weight.... FFS I weighed 18 stone when I started SW and I have never been told by a medical professional to lose weight! x
When I had trouble with my knee my consultant mentioned my weight every time I went there and said I should consider losing some weight. I had already lost almost 3 stone and he was really pissing me off. I had to point out that I couldn't walk and what did he expect me to do if I couldn't exercise. I was so glad when I transferred to a private clinic where everyone was really nice and didn't mention my weight, just dealt with the problem I wanted them to deal with - my knee!
Yeah thats different, you already were losing weight, whereas they must have seen from my records that every time I went (which I must say isn't often) my weight was going up! Im not saying I defo would have done somethim bout it, but it might have made me think! x
I think somtimes it would help but for some people it would depress them more and make them comfort eat more
Yer I see both sides to it, I think for me though it was have embarrassed me into it x
Well if you are already a large person, do you really need to be told? Isn't it obvious? It was to me....I knew my size...I wanted to lose it...but I perfer my food more.It was my comfort for all the horrible things that happened it my life, it was the one thing I had control over. But now...90% of my demons are gone, I feel better and want the weight to come off.

Taz, did they tell you, you had PCOS? I had cysts on my ovaries to...I think they said I had 7 on my right on but they couldn't see the left. And that "technically" with PCOS you should have at least 10 on each. ( so they said)they said my case was mild. And look I conceived naturally...twice now! It can be done...but I do think that it is also dependant on whether you have regular TOTM. I am not talking eveyr 28 days but still regular. I am about 5.5 to 6 weeks beween mine but they are regular I get one every one , but there is still 5 and half to weeks apart.
Well if you are already a large person, do you really need to be told? Isn't it obvious?

Well I was large, very (18 stone) and of course I knew what I looked like and I didn't like it, but quite clearly that wasn't enough to make me do anything about it. We didnt own a set of scales so I didnt realise I wasnt far off 20 stone, still cant believe that now. But what Im sayng is, if a doc or anyone, parent, teacher etc had said to me you weigh 14 stone/15 stone etc you need to lose weight then MAYBE I would have and the weight wouldn't have crept on and on x
When I went for the scan they told me that my ovaries were multicystic but the doctor said that my scan results showed polycycstic ovaries but I don't have the syndrome as my hormone tests were all clear and I have no other symptoms. I have a very regular cycle which is mostly 28 days but occassionally goes to 31 days and I don't have any excess hair and I have never had spots! The only thing I have is excess fat!