Disgusting Sun Topic Fatties Should be denied IVF!

yeah well that ws similar to me...no hair or spottiness, I had the fat, and the few cysts....but nothing else hormones were fine and I was ovulating, as well as having regular periods...just not the 28 days more like the 35 days....But they still said I had pcos...which whilst they say that I nor my OH actually agree with.
Well I was large, very (18 stone) and of course I knew what I looked like and I didn't like it, but quite clearly that wasn't enough to make me do anything about it. We didnt own a set of scales so I didnt realise I wasnt far off 20 stone, still cant believe that now. But what Im sayng is, if a doc or anyone, parent, teacher etc had said to me you weigh 14 stone/15 stone etc you need to lose weight then MAYBE I would have and the weight wouldn't have crept on and on x

You know, you'd think....For me...I was always told I was fat. My mother had me on diet pill with ephedin when I was 8 but they has caffine in them too and made me shake a lot and after a few months she finally took me off them. I was never "FAT" I did get a little chunky, but that was down to things within the home going on. But then when my parents divorced when I was 10, they both guilt fed me and I ballooned. I did get larger, and so at about 13 I took charge and started to do stuff about it. Joined more sports and groups to keep active as I pretty much was the only person I had to keep me company. Then I started aerobics instructing and I was working out 5 days a week for 3 hours after school and then I taught my class in the evenings...and I was never thin. I was muscular no doubt...but never thin. Still above average as I had all that muscle...and still I was told I was fat. So i have always had a complex. i think even when I get thin or thinner...I will never be completly happy. There will always be something wrong with me in my eyes.I never neededa doctor telling me I was fat at any point, my mother and her husband did that enough for me. Even at one point when I was 16 I was big but again I would say not hugely fat...I was about 9.5 stone....again mostly muscle...my parents stated to weight me every day and if I gained 1 lb I was grounded. I couldn't go anywhere, which make it hard to excerise if you can't leave the house to go to the gym and there is no equiptment in the house. So I spent most of my 10th grade year ground....that is why I hate to be weighted by ANYONE to this day. I know if I gain it is down to me and if I lose it is down to me. But I think it someone else at the time had said something to me I may every well have just stuffed my face as a consolation for my situation. It wouldn't have helped me.
I know, as Taz said it would make other people just go the other way, but I know it would have helped me! I need someone to weigh me, thats what stops me cheating, I did SW for the last 8 or so weeks alone and just didn't lose cos I was weighing myself I just kinda said 'oh well' whereas I dont wanna have put on in front of someone else - but everyones different. Its not helpful that you were punished for gaining weight, an incentive to lose would have been more helpful (had you needed it, which at 9.5 stone you clearly didnt) Incentives still work for me, new clothes, nails done etc etc x
yes I agree....incentives would have been better. My biggest incentive besides feeling better and the clothes was that OH would buy me the wedding ring I really wanted. It is rather expensive so it gives him some time now that I am PG again *LOL*

I think my parents gave me an incentive as far as they were concerned....freedom to move.I would never in a million years do that to my children. They didn't do the right things to encourage me. They would buy 1 piece of fruit ...one for everyone....( there were 4 of us) for one week. So four apples, four oranges, for peaches, four nectarines.....and if I ate them all within the week that was all I would get... which I think is silly. You should encourage your kids to eat fruits and veg not limit them. And it's not like my parents were poor...they lived quite comfortabely and had very few debts. So there is no excuse really. It is funny but I confronted my mother about all this a few weeks ago...and she actually said she was sorry. Which meant a lot...doesn't change anything, but at least she knows she was in the wrong.

I encourage my son to eat fruits and veg all the time. I would say honestly that he eats about 85% fruit and veg all day. He gets about 6-8 portions of fruit and veg for a 3 year old. He has a very good diet...and he sees me eating fruit and veg. He eats nuts and seeds, and gets loads of exercise. He eats many different kinds of fish, and I can't think of a veg he won't eat. All his food is homemade nothing processed. Not to say he doesn't have the odd bit of junk...but all in moderation. He eats tons of dried fruit and drinks mainly water or milk......so am sure he has and will learn to make good decisions when he is older. I try to lead by example too by eating good things which is why he trys so much. I never want to make him feel the way my parents made me feel. i will do everything to prevent him having the same fate as me in the weight department.
Thats quite touching to read about your mum, she obv thought she was doing what was best for you. Me and my bro were brought up exactly the same, yet hes very athletic, sporty, very keen on healthy eating and always has been... I think I must just have 'bad' genes! x
and your little boy is very lucky, other people are not as keen as you to ensure they feed the LUs well! Its amazing to see what parents put in packed lunches - fizzy drinks, choc bars, sweets, crisps etc etc xxx
no doubt....well my LU's lunch is normally, carrot and pepper stick with a bit of american ranch dressing to dip, sliced apples grapes and bananas. He likes to pick so I find this is the best way. he is not overly keen on sandwiches unless they are egg. So it is dependent on his moods. I spend at least one day a week...cooking several meals and then packing them away in the freezer so when I need something quick...I have something that is fresh, without perservatives, salt, sugars etc. He eats well. His favourite meal is oak smoked salmon, with broccoli and corn. And then watermelon for afters....

eating like a king ey! xx
hahaha....no just healthy.....We have this great fishmongers around way and we get nice fish at great prices...the salmon is only about £2 for a fillet slice and it is enough for the both of us. Much rather that than paying almost £2 anyway for canned. But yeah, I do make sure he eats good quality food. But then again..you know...I pay £1 for a bag of apples...or pears etc....there is not difference in that than a £2 bag except I would pay more. So I don't. I am sure careful he doesn't fall into the problems I had. I only make him eat till he is full and never say he has to finish the lot. Whilst I don't like waste, ( dog eat well hahaha) I like him to leave food on his plate so he gets used to not eating it all...or eating too fast, which is why we have dinner and most of the time breakgfast at the table. Lunch is in his playroom or outside in the garden ( weather dependant). His healthy was and always is paramount, I made sure I eat well when I was PG tons of fruit and veg and even now, he eats loads of it. But he does eat eggs, chicken, venison, fish, pork, lamb & quorn. I am sure it will all change as he gets older, but at least he is getting the best start. Most of the meat we eat is free range, he eat omega three eggs ( which is one of the only products that it actually helps to eat besides fish. Wholemeal bread. I think the only thing he doesn't like is raw tomatoes, Which I happen to be allergic to. i have tried him about 5 times and each time he doesn't like it....but will try him a few more times and if still no, i will give up for a bit.
thanks...well, I am actually proud of the mother I have become. It is nice to hear compliment. Even my friends who have kids tell me I am a better parents then they are...which I don't think...parents all have different ways they do things for their children. But it is still nice to know people think I am doing a good job. And I can tell when I see him. He is happy, loving, adjusted child. He sees his mommy and daddy, kiss each other and hug each other. We do things with him, paint and play and all the good stuff, and we make sure he has manner and discipline. But you know, we had 8 years to decide what we wanted for our son and most people don't get that. We were married for such a long time that we were able to know we had a stable ground and financial security, to bring up our children. And I know that my OH is the best man I could ever wish for and he is a good example to our son. He cooks tons and is great he helps me and we do things together...sometimes I just have to pinch myself. I know I am lucky. For me I just want to lose the weight to make everything else complete. My OH and my son are everything to me...and the LU on the way will fit in perfectly. We were happy with just one but to have two...it is such a dream. I could never express the love I have for my family, and although like most I have had a lot to deal with in the past...I am a strong person and everything that has happened make me appreciate what I have today.