Disheartened by my own scales


Full Member
Hi Guys, I'm on day 6 of sole source and although I feel a bit lighter my scales don't reflect that :sigh:, My weigh in is on day 8 which is Tuesday and i'm really scared I don't lose much. The first time I did CD 3 years ago I lost 10lbs in the first week and I was a stone lighter when I started back then! I expected similar amounts this time round but I think my body is ignoring the lack of calories i'm actually eating! Did anyone else have a small loss week 1? I'm hoping it drops off me in the next 2 days before my weigh in, or maybe my counselor's scales are different? :(
I lost 5lbs in my 1st week n i was gutted. BUT then in my 2nd week i lost 10lbs!! Your body works in mysterious ways but just remember as long as you stick to it 100% you will lose weight! Make sure you measure yourself this week coz its good to keep track.
Ive found that my weight for some reason comes off quickly over a couple of days as opposed to evenly all week. For instance this week, my wi is a Sunday.... no change Mon/Tue/Wed lost 1lb Thur, nothing Fri, 2lbs on Sat and possibly 3lbs today. Thats more or less how last week was too..... 1 token lb off then I lost 3lbs in 2 days

Our bodies are strange things... hang in there you might get a whoosh yet x
Thanks guys, really appreciate your stories. I think I need to stop having expectations and just diet and do my best. You're right if I stick to it the weight will come off. Hopefully I'll be posting a loss in Tuesday....good luck to everyone dieting! Xx