Dissapointed wi


i will be a yummy mummy
Hi all

I had wi tonight and am disappointed I was half pound from a stone! It flickered between the numbers for a few seconds and then was half!!
I have been gd all week although I did use my weeklies this week for the first time and I exercised 3 times in the week so maybe it was that..

Well I have sulked all night and off to bed now with a fresh new day/week tomorrow I know it's still a loss but I was expecting more just felt slightly demotivated doesn't help I tired and emotional as didn't get much sleep last night with my son so that added to it

Just hope it comes off next week.

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awwwww....just think, you have it to look forward to next week :D When you start exercising more it can slow your losses for a little while but remember that even if you don't loose weight you will still be loosing fat :) Keep going and you should get there next week :) Good luck!
I know :) thank you x

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