Distraction techniques!


So what do you do when you feel the munchies coming on but know you're not really hungry? How do you get rid of those cravings? I get like this in the evening, which I'm sure a lot of others do too. Here are a few of my favourite ways (I don't do these all at once lol), would like to hear everybody elses too!

1) Go on the computer, esp Minimins to get some motivation to stay on track!!
2) Do some exercise, I usually don't feel at all like eating after lol!
3) Paint my nails! You can't go eating with wet nail varnish on hehehe! This is one of my favourites, plus the smell of the varnish puts you off eating.
4) Clean my teeth. This does work!
5) Have a cup of tea, usually makes my stomach happier lol.
6) Have a diet coke, same as above, plus it tastes sweet so satisfies my sweet tooth.
7) Have my snack and eat it slowly making the most of it.
8) Read a book or magazine.
9) Have a shower/bath.
10) Or if all else fails, go to bed!!
I like to look at a clothes catalogue. looking at all those clothes gives me incentive to lose the weight.also looking at myself naked in the mirror soon puts any notion of stuffing my face out my mind!! lol
I always clean my teeth, it does work, nothing tastes nice with toothpaste!
I clean my teeth too! Works really well - you just don't feel like eating with that minty fresh taste in your mouth! I also have a cuppa or a can of diet coke. There has been occasions where I have had a can of diet coke at lunchtime and it has filled me up so much I don't feel like having my SlimFast shake! All those carbonated bubbles work a treat :)