Do I need to bump up calories?


Repeat Offender
Today I've had about 770 calories, but to be honest, I'm not really feeling hungry, so don't want to eat for the sake of it. Do I need to bump it up more?

What would you guys suggest? I'm trying to really limit the sugar and fat in anything I have.
Sorry to jump in - but I was going to ask something similar too!
I have trouble finding a happy medium, some days I eat up all my calories by 7pm and i'm still hungry, and other days i eat 3 meals with a couple of snacks and only get to 800 calories and have 500 left to use. Do you suggest eating more for the sake of it to use them all up? As when I was on WW they said you needed to use up all your points, don't know if this works the same. Maybe I need to make better decisions with what I eat.
Yes, unless you are using a total meal replacement, you need to be on a minimum of 1100kcals, preferably 1200kcals

Edit to add, it wont hurt to have less one day and more the next, as long as you are averaging 1100 to 1200 kcals
Cool, thanks KD oh goddess of all knowledge!
I dont go over 1000cals a day until i hit my goal then i will go up to 1200cals a day...Just do what your body feels is right..dont eat if your not hungry..and if you are eat low cal snacks
If i'm not feeling hungry, I tend to save them, because I know at some point during the week, I will be hungry and want to eat more, so they sort of balance out, as long as you're not keeping the caloric intake too low everyday, and averaging it to say 1100/1200 a day, it will be the same, in fact i think it probably helps because of the calorie shifting, your body isn't settling into a set routine everyday, keep it guessing, keep the body metabolism burning, just thought i drop the 2 cents on what i do in that situation :)
What would you suggest as low calorie snacks? I'm really trying to limit fat and sugar probably more so than calories really.
at less than 1000 cals a day PLUS the exercise you are doing you will lose weight, but over time this is not good and your metabolism will suffer. try eating a bit more, even if it's just an extra banana a day. good luck!
I find that crackers which are really low fat, (and therefore low calorie) are great as snacks, they cure the craving without the guilt for me. I know the taste isnt as good, but after a while the taste becomes nice, and I personally look forward to eating, things like crispbreads.