Do you find different exante products affect your weight loss?


Silver Member

I am sure this has been asked many times before but do you find that using all the different meals etc slows your weight loss down.

I struggle with OCD and have stuck to just shakes constantly, unless I am absolutely desperate and I will eat a bar, because I am terrified that using the bars and meals will slow my weight loss down.
I have had a few issues with health that caused me to gain weight no matter how much I dieted and exercised so I am scared this will repeat itself.

Thankyou x
Did not want to read and run...

I think when Exante first came out they recommend one bar a day in place of a shake but this advice was changed a few years ago as I believe they changed the bars so you could have more...if my memory serves me right I think they use to have 20 carbs in a bar...I have no idea what the carb count is today.
I think you can have any 3 of the products in a day there's no limit but I do try to just have one bar one shake and one meal/pudding x
Not for me but I usually follow the same formula everyday unless I am off work.