Dodders diary......

Today is day 1.

I attended my initial consultation on Tuesday, however the only group times the consultant could offer me group sessions was when I couldn't attend. I called a different consultant and without seeing me she has agreed I can join group today.

I am morbidly obese with a BMI of 52 however I have no health conditions or medication so I went to Superdrug for my medical assessment. They charged me a ridiculous £40 to stamp a form which is frustrating as I do not know how lighter life can state under medical supervision when the person completing the form has no way of verifying the information but hey ho it needed doing.

Last night I enjoyed my final supper had a scrumptious Chinese takeaway!

Group is at 10am and biggest concerns are:
1. How will I survive without my daily 2 litre+ habit of Pepsi max.
2. Will I be able to drink the shakes without gagging.
3. What happens if I see someone I know in group.

Have armed myself with a bottle of water and downloaded an app to remind me to drink..... Shame I couldn't download something to remind me I am not hungry.....