Does anyone else on here have OCD

Depends, I have OCD when it comes to book and cd organisation. They HAVE to be in the right order.. But otherwise no.
Me! Things HAVE to be straight ie. the rug on the floor, mats on the table, everything on my bedside table HAS to be in the right position before I go to sleep, silly things like that really.....just remembered another, towels in the bathroom have to be folded over properly on the rail, things on windowsill (toothpaste, mouth wash etc) have to be equal distances apart....
Depends, I have OCD when it comes to book and cd organisation. They HAVE to be in the right order.. But otherwise no.

Me! Things HAVE to be straight ie. the rug on the floor, mats on the table, everything on my bedside table HAS to be in the right position before I go to sleep, silly things like that really.....just remembered another, towels in the bathroom have to be folded over properly on the rail, things on windowsill (toothpaste, mouth wash etc) have to be equal distances apart....

I do both of these! Hehe, alphabetical order and straight lines - it just makes sense!
My kitchen cupboards have to be seen to be believed - everything has a place and a certain way to be in that place.
My wardrobe is super organised as is my underwear draw (with knickers rolled/folded in a certain way). I have to wear matching underwear too, I feel sick even thinking about leaving the house in non matching bra and pants.
I fold my towels in a particular way, the face cloth has to be in a certain place.
I followed certain routines when getting ready in a morning and at night.
My worst thing is cutlery. I have 2 sets but will only use one at a time. My ex set the table for dinner once and gave me a knife from one set and a fork from the other and did the same for himself - it completely unnerved me.
I'm not sure why I'm like this, I've always been a perfectionist and had to deal with that pretty quickly when getting treatment for depression.
Yes I have OCD and I have been diagnosed. I have to be on medication and therapy to overcome this disorder, it is hell to live with. I hate it when people use the term loosely it really is something that can take over someone's life and affect there everyday function.
Sort of. I have to check that my car is locked twice, after pushing the lock button 3 times. My DVDs are in alphabetical order by title, and my books are in alphabetical order by author. I check that all the plugs are switched off, twice!, before leaving the house, my straighteners sometimes get a third check. I check the door handle twice to make sure it's locked if I'm last out of the house. I have to pee before I leave the house even if I don't need (not sure if that's OCD or insanity tbh). I have to get ready to go out in the same order every morning - coffee, brush teeth, hair, make up, clothes, pack lunch, check I have everything, check all the plugs, do a pee, check the plugs again, lock the door and check it twice... then I'm good to go.

So yeah, sort of...:rolleyes:
Yes I have OCD and I have been diagnosed with medication and therapy. I hate it when people use the term loosely it really is something that can take over someone's life and affect there everyday function.

Sorry if my post seems as if I am taking it lightly. I'm not! Honestly! I just think it's funny how I have to do all these things to feel normal. I have ran back to my car, after already being seated and ordered drinks in a restaurant, just to check that it was locked because I couldn't remember if I'd checked it properly. I've driven back home to check the door was locked too, after driving 5 mins down the road! :sigh:
Yes I have OCD and I have been diagnosed. I have to be on medication and therapy to overcome this disorder, it is hell to live with. I hate it when people use the term loosely it really is something that can take over someone's life and affect there everyday function.

I rufused meds and decided that only I can help myself
I'm finding that fitness is helping massively
It is hell to live with for myself and my family but if everyone helps the day can be a little easier not much but a little...
Only another person with OCD knows how bad it can be !!