Doing SW Alone/At Home TEAM!

I found it really easy :D I had pasta n sauce with veggies for lunch & made the SW spaghetti carbonara for dinner. Felt really full up so here's to another successful day :D im making chicken kievs with SW chips for dinner, can't wait - yummy!
I guess I should join in here. I am doing sw alone from home with my fiance. We are finding it ok but as we are on EE we did forget about the 1/3 superfree foods rule. Now we have corrected that I hope the lbs will start to come off again. I'm finding it ok. I did go to the meetings earlier in the year but I found it all a bit daunting. So far we have lost 3st in total this month between us :)
Alexie said:
So far we have lost 3st in total this month between us :)

Wow, that's fantastic...
Alexie said:
I guess I should join in here. I am doing sw alone from home with my fiance. We are finding it ok but as we are on EE we did forget about the 1/3 superfree foods rule. Now we have corrected that I hope the lbs will start to come off again. I'm finding it ok. I did go to the meetings earlier in the year but I found it all a bit daunting. So far we have lost 3st in total this month between us :)

Blimmin eck that's brilliant! X
liliferjade said:
That is brill! Well done to you both :D I've now joined back at group as was slipping a bit at home but I'm sticking around on this thread still, hope thats ok! xxx

Hope it helps you get back on track :)

I'm doing fine on my own still but am going for one meeting this week to buy the books as my sw online membership ends on mon and it's not worth paying for anymore months.
Hi, I hope you don't mind me joining. I'm on SW online/doing it at home but previously have been on high protein/low carb diets for a long time so I think my body is still adjusting to all the carbs I'm eating at the moment. I'm in week 7 of SW and my weight has been bouncing up and down on the same spot. I'm not that stressed cos I think it's more important to lose weight sensibly but it would be nice to see it go in a downwards direction!
Thanks Jen. I've made slight changes to what I eat so hopefully it will show on the scales this week :)
I'm doing SW online also. So far I have lost nearly 2 stone. I saw some friends yesterday who really made me feel good when they said I looked so skinny!! I'm not by the way, but it does make you feel good and more determined to lose the rest :)
I agree, Chubbylass. Other peoples opinions REALLY matter to me and it definitely makes you feel better if someone notices your hard work.

I'm trying to be more positive today, yesterday I was really down about the fact my weight kept fluctuating (even though it ALWAYS does) and I'm just trying to stick to the plan and shall see what Sunday brings!
Mind if I join you?

I'm doing SW at home.... mainly green days. I might go to class as a one off to get the up to date books but I didn't like going to group ~ and my local one has packed up ~ so there are buses to catch...

I'm 47, single and live with my dog called Pickle and she is one... at least she takes me out for walks :+) I do voluntary work with older people.

Judith & Pickle
Hi Everyone,

How glad am I that I found this site and this thread. I have done SW before and was really successful on it, havent actually put any of the weight back on but fell off the wagon for a bit. I really want to get moving again, my brother is getting married in August and its given me a kick again.
I dont want to go to the classes, simply cant afford the £5 a week.

I'm hoping to get support through this forum and I'm looking forward to getting chatting with you all. :)
Well Done liliferjade, thats brilliant! Whats your secret? I need losses like that every week :p
Well a little update from me. I started half heartedly following SW from Monday, and started in earnest on Wednesday. I decided Friday mornings would be my weigh in so that if I am naughty over the weekend, I have time to behave myself again ;)
Anyhoo, I decided just for a laugh, I weighed myself this morning, not expecting anything and I got a nice wee surprise, 2.5lbs off :D

So last night I made the super speedy soup, have to say it didnt look very appetising to start with but actually tastes lovely, I have it with me for lunch at work and I am going to munch it over the weekend too. I should be quick good this weekend as the other half is away on Saturday night overnight and I wont be tempted to drink, fingers crossed I have a good week with this kick start.

Hope everyone is doing well
I'm starting this from tomorrow! I used to do it Monday-Sunday before so I thought I'd spend a few days preparing then going for it full force from next week. I used to go to the groups last year but really cant afford to go back. I've bought the food directories etc and I've made a spreadsheet that I'm putting my planned meals and healthy extra's/syns into that calculates my spare syns for the day/week. (I'm a bit of a nerd haha!) So I hope this helps me stick to the plan.

I will keep you updated on how it goes! Oh if anyone wants the spreadsheet message me on my facebook (can't pm me yet as I'm new lol)
Your spreadsheet sounds brilliant, really good idea.
Good luck with it all and keep us posted x