Don't you just hate it when....

DYJHIW you have a bad night with the eldest (up till 2) then get up to a huge bowl of washing up that the husband offered to do after dinner!!! It's so irritating. If your not going to do it then don't blooming offer!!!
DYJHIW the friend who was due to arrive at 11 phones to say they are running late and will be there at 11.45 at the latest and it is now 12.15 and they are still not here.
1. Your nail varnish wears off at the tips because of too much time typing on 'puter!
2. You can't find your camera (it is def in the house s-o-m-e-w-h-e-r-e... perhaps I should do more tidying up???!!!
3. It is thundering and raining stair rods, so the cat dashes in her cat flap and jumps straight up onto your bed to dry her paw off (it's a white quilt cover - correction it WAS a white quilt cover!)
4. You have one of those annoying niggling headaches that won't either go away or become a proper headache - no doubt related to post 3 above (the weather and the cat!!!) come up to bed and your tummy starts rumbling! God knows why, I've eaten plenty today including a carvery at lunch time
Cazran25 said:
Your OH has a shave and leaves the entire sink area covered in hair including the bottle of soap. Disgusting!!

I agree, my OH does exactly the same! It's always just after I've cleaned the bathroom too!! Grrr!! Men!! Imagine the look of shock on their faces if we left our body hair in the sink!! Lol've had no sleep cause your DD had night terrors then OH sits on his laptop in bed typing for work at 4am! I will now have my 2 kids plus my sister's 3 to mind today so really needed my sleep :s

Your first day back at work after a week holidays & you're told the new girl can help with some of your work as you've sooooo much to do, which I've taken to mean I can't do my job, mmmmmmmmmmmm irritated.

Your lips are sooooo sore after burning them on hols last week.

You have a towbar put on your car last week & on Saturday the gearbox goes, OH said I need a new car, I say, NO, I'll get it repaired & keep the money for my holidays.

Thank you for letting me sound off I feel better now.