Don't you just hate it when....

There are a couple of users that post on another section of minimins that I read, that post in the third person all the time, and even when someone asked them why they did it they replied in the third person again, basically they think it sounds "whimsical" and cute, but it really irritates me when I read it, it just read really grating and attention seeking. Each to their own I guess.

I wanna see too please?
me three i also want to see! xxx
jezzi999 said:
Ah it feels a bit mean to the users involved to do that, I'm sure if you spend enough time on minimins eventually you will bump across such people yourselves :)

(said Jezzi reluctantly)

Think I found it! Very strange!
omg that made me lol xxx
Mrs.S. said:
I just saw the thread - HILARIOUS!!! xx

ScarlettStar86 said:
haha just saw the thread you were referring to- what a t*ss*r!

acc said:
Think I found it! Very strange!

Shirleen said:
Thanks to the girls who passed on to me, it takes all sorts to make the world go round!

juicygooseface said:
omg that made me lol xxx

Thanks guys! Glad it isn't just me that thinks its odd and extremely irritating ;)

Sent from Jo's iPhone using MiniMins
jezzi999 said:
Ah it feels a bit mean to the users involved to do that, I'm sure if you spend enough time on minimins eventually you will bump across such people yourselves :)

(said Jezzi reluctantly)

Another night on mins for me then. I wanna see it too! Intrigued.
dyjhiw u upload lots of pictures on your computer then it crashes wen its almost done. b@st@rd!