Don't you just hate it when....

at least your OH replies to you both ;)
DYJHIW your c has twice made you feel like an idiot because you don't do EE, thinking of leaving my class now :(

Just want to gorge my face off with chocolate now..... :( :(
Really! That's dreadful-maybe have a quite word with them?? Hugs x

Thanks for the hugs, needed :) x

I did last time she did it, it's made me feel really down again, i'm losing weight on Original and Green I don't know why she does it to me.

We had an area manager in tonight drumming up business for new consultants, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it as she may of been under pressure but I came away feeling like crap even though i've just hit my 2.5 stone loss.

Love the people at my group they are sound and supportive, really don't want to just go and get weighed and leave each wk.

I have a week to decide what to do.
Thanks for the hugs, needed :) x

I did last time she did it, it's made me feel really down again, i'm losing weight on Original and Green I don't know why she does it to me.

We had an area manager in tonight drumming up business for new consultants, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it as she may of been under pressure but I came away feeling like crap even though i've just hit my 2.5 stone loss.

Love the people at my group they are sound and supportive, really don't want to just go and get weighed and leave each wk.

I have a week to decide what to do.

It would be interesting to know if the Area Manager picked up on her manner - did she say it in the class or on a 1-to-1 with you?

You know what though, the best thing you can do is carry on losing and then if she does it again you can go back at her with undeniable proof that Red and Green work too. I think I told you before that I don't do EE either, I'm old school Red and Green and am 50lbs down so those plans DO work.

Would you be happy to confront her and tell her that she makes you feel unhappy when she says things about the plans you follow? Maybe she really isn't aware of how she makes you feel. Remember you pay her wages, she is in effect your employee and you pay to get the best service for you.

Above all make the decision that you won't let her make you feel stupid again - your chosen plans work for you, your fab loss proves that!! Hang in there x
You have done amazingly well and the stress of your op could be triggering your old eating habits. At least you haven't already decided to write off the post-op period, if you've already frozen some meals you sound quite determined to stay with it.

"Just feel i cannot get back into my good ways i was without lose gain lose gain pattern" this perfectly echoes my year so far and I'm so annoyed for falling back into the post WI bingeing. If you find the answer, let me know too!!!

Thanks Louise.. Its strange as i cannot wait to get it over an done with so im 'fixed' been years of problems so i didnt link id go off the rails so much! I used to have few bad days but next week get back on track an stay there.
Ive done meals so i dont pig out even more when im laid up. Hubby only has to defrost an heatup too which makes it easier for him.. xxxx

please let me know the answer too i am sooo like this!
gotta get out the habit of treating myself when ive done well.i am not a dog i must not treat myself with food! xxxxxxx

Lol i will let you both know when i find out myself! As for 'treat' i stopped that after weigh in and felt much better for the week and more likely have a good week because ive not eaten 'naughty ' foods yet an want 100% week.. butb when i have had something im more likely to follow an eat rubbish! xxxx
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me too - its like i think in my head "oh ive ruined it already".
gotta learn to stop! xxxx
you have a poorly daughter and nothing much in to munch as you cant get to the shops :(
It would be interesting to know if the Area Manager picked up on her manner - did she say it in the class or on a 1-to-1 with you?

You know what though, the best thing you can do is carry on losing and then if she does it again you can go back at her with undeniable proof that Red and Green work too. I think I told you before that I don't do EE either, I'm old school Red and Green and am 50lbs down so those plans DO work.

Would you be happy to confront her and tell her that she makes you feel unhappy when she says things about the plans you follow? Maybe she really isn't aware of how she makes you feel. Remember you pay her wages, she is in effect your employee and you pay to get the best service for you.

Above all make the decision that you won't let her make you feel stupid again - your chosen plans work for you, your fab loss proves that!! Hang in there x

Hi thanks for your reply :) x

She said it in front of the whole class again, there was a deathly silence after we finished talking it was horrible. :(

I think i'm going to either look for a new local class or join online because I've come away from that class upset twice now and it's the only time i've felt like sabotaging my good work, i've been thinking about it all day and getting more annoyed.

I did have a quiet word with her the last time she made me feel like this, i guess she doesn't want to listen to me. I know what I'm doing is right because my losses prove it. I'm not giving up but I'm not paying her for support I feel I'm not getting anymore.

Thanks M Louise H :) xx
DYJHIW you're tired, cold and miserable-and want to go home, but your relying on someone for a lift and they've decided they want to go to Tesco and McDonald's first!!!!!
DYJHIW you're tired, cold and miserable-and want to go home, but your relying on someone for a lift and they've decided they want to go to Tesco and McDonald's first!!!!!

Cheer yourself up with a large Big Mac meal or failing that how about an happy meal lol!