Don't you just hate it when....

I don't care about Whitney Houston so I find it quite annoying when people try to force me to grieve about her. I'm not bothered that anyone wants to mourn her, I'd just prefer those people not to judge me for not mourning, iykwim. Don't really see why it has to be taken any further than that or why anyone has to care what anyone else thinks about it.

DYJHIW your OH gives you the new Tiffany catalogue and tells you to "Look at all the thing you won't be getting for Valentines Day".
My OH has pronounced he is cooking me a delicous dinner... guess I'll be getting the gift of weight gain for valentine's day, haha. :D
I can understand the Whitney posts, for people my age her music has been a big part in the relationships/breakups/makeups we had. News of her death brings the memories back, she was a hugs star, and a celebrity is celebrated and so the passing will be marked.

I never really understood the flurry of Steve Jobs RIP's last year but each to their own.

So that's what I want to say À chacun son goût, (to each their own taste)!
Well I *know* he's already got me something and I suspect it's from the Collectif sale a couple of weeks back as I caught him rooting through my wardrobe looking at sizes! I hope he's exercised good judgement and chose something I actually like!

I really shouldn't knock my OH- he's pretty good with gifts, usually because I tell his sister to tell him what to get me :D
Its all a gimmick anyway, all I reallly would like is syn free chocolate ...but that isnt realistic :-(

I'm all for gimmicks if I get something awesome out of it!

Plus we hardly get to see each other so we enjoy bracing the opportunity to spend time together :rolleyes:
I'm all for gimmicks if I get something awesome out of it!

Plus we hardly get to see each other so we enjoy bracing the opportunity to spend time together :rolleyes:

I dont blame you, i hope hes got you something nice and you have a good one:) me and my boyfriend dont go all out really, we just do cards and a nice meal
...You get in the shower with your glasses on AGAIN! Numptey

Done that! Was wondering why I felt different and realised it was because I could see!

Now I get in with my hearing aids in too! Honestly I'm beginning to feel like that woman in the Gum disease ad! Thank goodness I don't have to remove me teef (yet)! ruin your DH's surprise for Valentine's! I asked him to get me some Green & Blacks dark chocolate so I could make my own Choc Phili (which is gorgeous by the way!) & he pouted & said he was going to buy me some Cadbury Chocolate Phili pots & hide them in the fridge for me on Tuesday (he works away during the week)! Now thats a supportive husband, respecting my begrudging wishes not to have a box of Lindt Chocs!!!
DYJHIW the child is being such a little moobag that you decide to leave her with the husband in the car and then brave the bloody supermarket alone.
I wanted to "go postal". Tesco's on a sunday is a nightmare.... but on the upside they have far more flavours of mugshot so i was able to find some more free food ones with no milk/lactose in them.
You think you can do a full 30 mins on the wii my fitness coach workout thing, when in reality I only made it as far as 10 mins :( lol
When your 2yo is being a bratt with a capital B today!!

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DYJHIW your TV remote has decided to finally give up its fight for life, and you can't find a replacement.
we tried a universal one, it doesn't work on our TV.
have tried finding out how to contact the company to get one directly but it seems Bush don't actually exist.
found 2 remotes online. 1 is £12.49, apparently for our make and model of tv but looks nothing like our remote. the other is £20 and is definitely the right one. but it's £20. for a fecking remote.
our current one has been struggling since the great potty disaster of '09. sad, sad time. *shakes head*
DYJHIW your 3 hours of child free afternoon turns into a ebay/facebook/minimins marathon whilst eating frozen grapes.. instead of studying, like you are meant to be doing.
