Don't you just hate it when....

Back to the laundry I just want to gloat that my husband does all the washing and ironing!

DYJHIW smokers get you smelling like an ashtray!

i get this with the lady i look after its a small flat with all the windows closed and i come out stinking! xxxx
DYJHIW you go to have a shower and tell everyone to check on cake when alarm goes off.They did and shouted up it's cook.Then they just left it in the oven.:(
Not too badly burnt.
DYJLIW they still eat it.:)


Did it taste okay, I shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help it-but only because I know this is exactly what would happen to me. That or my boyfriend would forget I'd asked him to check and would just turn the alarm off and then wait until I'd come down again to tell me it had gone off
Jenna88 said:
DYJHIW it's the day before weigh in and as usual you become super paranoid about what you eat! Agh! I want something cooked for lunch but I want something 'light'

Ratatouille ?