Don't you just hate it when....

Dyjhiw your home with little one and there's nothing to do! Already played hide and seek, done some coloring in his book too... and it's only 10:40am!! Going to be a long day.....

Build a tent with a couple of chairs and a big sheet, take some toys in and have a teddy bears picnic?
Do you have any cornflour in your cupboards? Mix some with water in a deep tray to make a gloop that's really fun to play with an easy to clear up, just washes off clothes and surfaces or brushes off when dry.
If its dry where you are (I know it's still cold so wrap up!) take a bucket of water and a big paintbrush to the driveway, patio, etc and "paint the pavement" with the water. Few ideas anyway! Xx
Dyjhiw a. Your daughter uses your lunchbox for work and b.leaves it there so you haven't got it to put your pickles in tomorrow!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, DD would do this all the time, it really wound me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would combust lol, only child syndrome, loathe my stuff being used. ;)

Me too, its so annoying, thank goodness there is only me & OH at home now!
Jacobs baby monitor broke last night :(

I wouldnt use one with him been 3 in June but with having such a huge old house your cannot hear a thing downstairs if he's crying or screaming when we've got tv on!

Need to get a new...
DYJHIW you've worked your not so little butt off this week and you're body hurts from all the effort and the scales haven't even wiggled from last WI. I am one disheartened bunny this week. :(
DYJHIW you spend ages planning meals, cooking meals .....then sit and watch as your OH eats it without making ANY comment. So eventually you ask " is it OK?" And the reply is always " it's alright" just once it would be nice to have a nice comment, and without being pressed. Gawd if he makes a sandwich I'm expected to rave about it like he's Raymond bleeding blanc!!!! Grrrrrrr

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