Don't you just hate it when....

DYHIW you keep having nightmares about your job and if is making you wake up really anxious before work :(

Awww that's awful, I've been there I was so bad I was heaving as I was walking to work, in the end I gave in my notice without another job, which I couldn't afford to do, but it was making me so ill. Are you looking for another job?
Not good... If its making you this anxious is it the right thing for you? X from the dark side with love...xx

I am a nanny and all my other families have been lovely and so haven't had this problem before, think it is just because it is a new family and it has taken a bit longer than normal to get comfortable, am going to carry on and hopefully will be okay in a couple of weeks when more settled x
Awww that's awful, I've been there I was so bad I was heaving as I was walking to work, in the end I gave in my notice without another job, which I couldn't afford to do, but it was making me so ill. Are you looking for another job?

I have only been nannying for this family for a short while so think things will improve once i am settled... Right now I am sat on a bench in the park while little one has his nap... Feeling much more relaxed :)

Although DYJHIW you run over a caterpillar in the park with the pram, you feel awful then see it still trying to move and a little old lady comes up and says can't be helped but put it out of its misery and stands on it :/ .........feeling sad and laughing at the same time peeps x
DYJHIW DH leaves the iron on, could have been bad if I hadn't heard it click when I went past the spare room!!!