Don't you just hate it when....

DYJHIW So last night the boy last night was banging whatever he could, doors & other things today's noise is screaming, for goodness sake, grrrrrrrrrr
DYJHIW..... your normally very well behaved rabbits are refusing to jump into their hutch for the night!! Usually, a shake of the food tin is all that's needed and they come racing down the garden and do a synchronised jump into their hutch but now they're just being bloody awkward!! Grrr!

Kathy xx
DYJHIW you really need some new smart trousers and according to the size charts your waist is FOUR SIZES bigger than your hips - dammit!!!
Naughty buns!
I'd love to have mine free ranging. When I move house I'm gonna have the biggest run for the buns & guinea pigs ever x

Must admit, I do love to see them running around the garden, exploring or just leaping around together. They did, eventually, go in last night but they have been known to spend the odd night out, obviously, with the hutch door left open for them. Thankfully, it doesn't often happen! The only trouble with letting them have free run of the garden is, our garden is the most colourless garden in the Close - no flowers could ever survive with those two on the loose! Wouldn't change it for the world though.

A huge run sounds the next best thing, Rosiepops so, good luck with that. :) xx
Ah thanks, I suppose when you rush around busy every week with work it's strange to sit back and stop! Think I'm going to make the most of recorded tv programmes! :)