Do's and don'ts for a newby?

Hi all, I came across a post by Cybill or Rachel (I'm not certain) and it was fabulous. It had all the info I needed about drinks, side effects, hints and tips, and everything else but now I can't find it. Could some one give me the link please if you have any idea what I'm on about :)
I'm on day 2 and need all the help I can get.
Thanks millions xxx

Did you find the page? I'm on day 1 and feel like I could use that page as well haha! How are you feeling at the moment?
Hi Jenna I found it. It's a sticky titled exante FAQ's and it's full of useful info. I'm feeling great on this diet, I did total solutions during the week and due to having guests this weekend I've been on working solution but back to TS tomorrow :) how have you found your first day?
Just don't give in to hunger pangs cos I've found once once I start eating I can't stop :\ good luck.
R x
I'll have a look for it! My first day is going ok, I feel soooo hungry right now and even went onto the pizzahut webpage but I've closed it and just started downing water!! My tummy is rumbling away but I didn't start this diet for no reason!

Hope you don't mind me asking but were you drinking when you had friends over? I'm a bit concerned about this as I have friends over on Friday and not sure what to do, I could kid myself and say I won't drink but it won't happen. So wondering whether to have a meal on the Thursday and Friday night before starting and if that will be ok, don't want to be too drunk or passing out after a glass of wine!!
I'd be careful as if it's a keto friendly meal, it'll still go straight to your head. Also, if you only started TS today eating in Thursday and Friday and drinking may undo all your hard work x
Well done for resisting the temptation tonight :)
I did have a drink, in fact I had bottle of wine but I was ok, I think cos I'd had a good evening meal. Looking forward to getting back on TS tomorrow and hoping I haven't done to much damage over the weekend.
I'm sure you won't have, but at least you're starting again so anything gained will be lost soon!

Loucille - I know it's going to undo all the hard work and the rubbish days ahead but the night has been planned for a while and as we are all on opposite nights had to do swaps etc to plan it! Plus at least I've made a start and will hopefully lose something then get right back on it on Saturday, and I will know all the horrors to expect before ketosis so I'll be more prepared - positive thinking haha!
Well done with that attitude Jen, it's your choice and as long as you make choices with your eyes wide open you'll be ok. I'd eat a normal meal for your drinky day though and enjoy.
After this week I will definitely be enjoying it! Although the only thing is what to eat, I know chicken is ok on ws, but chicken is the only meat I'll eat. Suppose I could have it with a bit of pasta or something! I'll figure it out :)
jenna. Sorry, didn't mean to sound harsh. I actually meant be careful with the booze! If you know you're having a night off, you know how it'll affect your diet and we have to live/enjoy our lives too! As purple_people_eater said if you been on VLCD and then haven't had any carbs, the booze will hit you like a ton of bricks! Just don't want you to end up sloshed (well, not too sloshed anyway!)

L xox
You didn't sound harsh at all, sorry if my reply made it seem that way! I overuse exclamation marks which can make a comment seem a bit abrupt, I forget it's just about how people read things! I've actually looked up some recipes tonight, going to have some chicken etc the night before so that I've had some food and have a low carb snack for lunch then have some kind of proper meal before. Just so I don't end up ill or falling around the place! Thanks for the advice - it's all appreciated! Hopefully that'll keep me going for the night out then can have a thick iced shake for breakfast when i get up the next day!
Sounds like a great plan! Sorry, just wanted to e sure I hadn't offended you!

Hope you have a fab evening xox