Dukan diet slammed

God the Daily Mail is a total rag! I actually get rage if I happen upon their online version...It is constantly riddled with inaccuracies, both factually with regard to the stories and in grammar/syntax which is my pet peeve! Lazy journalism all round. Not to mention the readers, the comments under the articles are almost worse than the articles themselves if that's possible! It would make you lose faith in humanity!
This diet works, we know it...people who poo-poo it are only jealous that they don't have the willpower to do it and are not losing weight, and in a healthy way too! Good for us!
Remember: At one point people thought the world was flat and that cigarettes were good for you!!!
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3 A lack of fibre can be a problem. An unbalanced diet short of fruit and vegetables and heavy in fish and meat can lead to constipation.

Very true. That’s why oat-bran and daily exercise (walking is sufficient) is recommended at every stage of the diet.It’s also why I personally take vitamin C, and enjoy my PV days immensely for the huge variety of vegetables I can have. The ones I can’t have – well, I like them too, but I can live without them because I know that one day soon, I can have them again - in moderation. The absence of fruit really bothered me at first, but now I’m in Conso, I can have one piece a day and that’s fine – some days I don’t even bother.

I have NEVER experienced constipation on this diet. In fact, when I go my stools can be quite loose!
At the end of the day, there are risks in EVERY diet. I have tried EVERY diet, and this is the ONLY diet I have been really happy and constantly lost every week, I have not binged on, felt deprived or hungry on.
So the DM can bugger off with this one!!!!
Thought I'd check the BDA site. Actually they had Dukan 5th not first.

Their crit is based on the usual two points: don't cut out food groups, and the assumption that calorie control is all you need. The first is based on a misunderstanding of the diet, and the second ignores all the information and research that Gary Taubes put together for his book and articles. (newbies, do a search for Gary T on this site and you'll find several discussions and a summary of his points)

Are we downhearted?..........No!

