eee look another food diary!

Ah that explains it then! I told Dan to read it, he said no way! haha.. He's disgusted I did, he said he thought I was better than that.. I told him I was reading it for him, he still thought it was ridiculous.. honestly, what a plonker!

Don't worry Jen, you'll get there :) Just take your time with it all. When do you have to have it done? x
just did my good little deed for the day, and sent the boys godmother some flowers, they just bought a house in london, so sent this lush bouquet with some chocs to them. I can't wait to go see their new place, and another couple of my friends just got engaged, so nice! Everyones growing up! x
It explains the language they were written using, I'm surprised she didn't re edit or the publishers got them re edited them before publishing them though...
I told Daren to read them, he just called them my mummy porn lol

In by next week, gonna write it all and send to mum cos she's great at making things sound good! I can do job applications but this needs to sound really good! Need to read up on primary care a bit tho. Think I may have a job interview coming my way too, not sure what to do :-$

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I don't see why people get so hung up on the quality of writing of books like 50 shades of grey... They were never going to be great literary works! They're just a bit of fun, and I wish more people would remember that when they're moaning about people 'lowering themselves' to read them :p Ridiculous!

Looks like you're doing really well hun, well done!! Hope Daisy's feeling a bit better today? It's horrible when pets are recovering from ops or just ill! You can't just ask them what they need or want to feel better :( x
Yeah I love trashy books as much as well written ones, I also like really crap girl tv programmes. It's my girlie indulgence as I'm not really a girly girl xx
Stuck on what to write 'demonstrate innovation and flexibility when dealing with complex situations'???

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Eek without knowing your job and what you've done it's quite hard to help, flexibility would be juggling family life and work life? Perhaps? X
Stuck on what to write 'demonstrate innovation and flexibility when dealing with complex situations'???

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Jen you could discuss your ability to handle adverse situations in a variety of clinical settings, talk about transferability of your skills
I've had loads of complex situations but it's the 'demonstrate innovation' bit that's stumped me......

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Ok, so I need to say that I came up with new ideas etc arising from a complex situation! Ummmmm

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Have you implemented anything in any of your jobs so far? Or adapted any training to make your dept work any better? When I worked at northern rock I saw something that didn't make sense so came up with a new idea which basically halfed the time spent on one task. Anything like that?? Xx
Pretty annoyed I don't know why I do EE days as they just bloat me out :( when I checked my weight yday it was 13st3 and now 13st6!! I ate 1600cals yday and didn't use too many SYNS and it's just very frustrating! Going to have a red day today to hopefully get rid of the carb bloat, and drink a trough of water. Didn't get any work done yday as daisy just whimpered and paced all day so it was pretty bad.. She seems a bit better this morning so fingers crossed I can get some bits and pieces done.

RED DAY - Thursday

Breakfast : Bacon and 'fried' egg sandwich (hexB)

Lunch : some ham and veg (broccoli, green beans, swede and carrot) apple

Snack: dairy milk bubbly (10.5syns), 1 ice-cream wafer (0.5syn) few bites of boys ice-cream (4syns) alpen light (1/2hexB)

Dinner : hunters chicken (free BBQ sauce - chopped tomato, onion) hexA cheese, SW coleslaw and big mixed salad, beetroot

Drinks : coffee&tea (hexA milk) lots of water



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Oops!! I did indeed mean 13st6!
Charl - looked at your food for yesterday. I'm not surprised you feel and are bloated. Bread, spuds and rice ALL in one day would absolutely kill me.
I can only have one of those each day, Hence why I don't do EE.
Stick with the reds for a couple of days and it'll be gone . . . pronto.

Glad that Daisy pup is better today - it's horrible when our pets aren't well. We (well certainly I do) feel so helpless as we can't can;t ask them where it hurts! But dogs are wimps though, and do not do pain at all well. They are so much less tough that cats!
I know! That's why I can't do EE as even though i don't have to have carbs at every meal I seem to! Although I did have a hungry day, I think I'd have a few days of fairly low cals and needed some. Was going to have some SW wedges for my hexB with dinner but abstained, pretty full without them anyway! Feeling v bloated still so not looking great for WI tomorrow xx
Urggghhh feel like a whale!! Although I am ovulating (tmi I know!) and that seems to give me total totm symptoms as well... Rubbish! I had a red day and been pretty good but massively bloated! WI tomorrow just praying if I have a really good sleep it goes away over night. Just drank about 5 glasses of water, so thirsty! On a brighter note lil pup seems to have made a remarkable recovery this avo, no whimpers and lots of playing. :) I'm hoping she's going to be ok enough to leave her tomorrow night as its my friends 30th, so would like to go out. Might go get a manicure and my eyelashes done tomorrow as I feel like looking nice and ladylike. :) sometimes we all need a little pamper don't we! Went and got the boys today from my mums and took them to the skate park, they're so funny zooming round on their scooters.

Pretty darn nervous for tomorrow, I've been 100% since Sunday so who knows.. I get sick of my weight fluctuating so much, I have no idea how some people just eat 'normal' food as still maintain the same weight, I can eat EE all week and gain! So annoying but hey ho! Gonna pop into town tomorrow and have a little shop, want a nice leather jacket and maybe a lil nice dress, it's been ages since I bought anything going out-ish, not even really sure what size I am now.

Hope everyone has had a nice lil day. Merry Fridays for tomorrow :) x