Embarrasing Stories...

I have a couple myself. My husband is half malaysian and I don't know if it's malaysians or simply his family but they can be quite blunt.
His cousin had come to visit the year before our planned honeymoon in Asia. She kindly told me that I should get some shirts in Thailand because her friend who is fat like me got some very cheap even though there's a lot of material. On that same visit she had told my mother-in-law who had just picked them up from the airport that she had put on weight ("Hi! How are you? You've changed. You've put on weight")...Charming!
Worse, my father in law was looking at my baby daughter playing and said to my husband (but I was sitting next to him): "She's getting big, she's going to be fat like her mother"... Actually, on that point I got quite upset but I think each time they just stated it as a fact rather than an insult...Although really, it doesn't make it less mortifying for me!
More of a personal embarrassment than it being in front of anyone. I always feel really embarrassed when I see the physical stats for heavyweight boxers and wrestlers and realise I'm even bigger than some of them. Even worse is if you're with people when watching and someone goes "whoah, he's utterly massive!!". :(
my embaressing situations, are usually when getting on public transport and worrying that nobody will be able to sit next to me when the bus or train gets full because I take up two seats.
Hey Sarah, that's the kind of thing my sister-in-law (size 8 even though she stuffs herself all the time :jelous:) says. She was talking about a friend of hers who was "massive, I mean she must have been a size 20 or something like that" who had lost lots of weight ( "at least 2 stones, she's the same size as me now")...:8855:
No concept of weight and size at all!!! :8855:
Oh i have hundreds. My kids auntie (not my sister) it getting married this weekend but a few months ago, she came to my house I was showing her what i was wearing etc she told me how she had lost on WW then asked me `so what diet are you doing, you wanna be slimmer than you are now to wear that `. What she had failed to notice i had lost 3 stone by then and was looking better than her! (not that i want to upstage the bride)
Now i have lost another 2 stone and my dress fits perfectly.
thought of another one (im on a roll)LOL

This was a few years ago after having my daughter. I was a a kids birthday party to one of my close friends and they were taking pictures and video. I didnt think i was too fat. But a week later my mate showed me the video and said she thought she should show ,i looked huge!!! That week i went on a diet!