emotional, tears, fed up


Silver Member
god, week 8/9. feel drained, tears and totally fed up doing this diet - yet cant stop.

doing this for fertility treatment reasons, which doesnt help. emotionally draining in itself. if it was for another reason id have given up ages ago.

i dont even know what point to give up ? when? how? how do u decide? and then theres the reasons of been scared such as weight gain ect ect. i simply CANNOT diet ever again.

just need hugs, need food, need all this to be over.

SORRY for the moan x
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*Hugs for you ...* {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Bessie}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I think it's a week nine thing, I did week 9 last week, and although it started OK, but the end of it I was in tears and a complete wreck by Tuesday (last day of week nine), but by Friday I felt more like myself again (bizarre!) I changed my food choices (hot for cold, added a new flavour) and took some long walks in the park - the flowers and blossoms cheered me on!! Also loaded some truly silly music onto my MP3 player just to giggle while I walked.

Hope this helps even just a little!!
Looking at your current weight and goal weight you should only have a few more weeks to go. Maybe you should talk to Pharmacist person about coming off and see how soon they say you can get off it?
Yes don't beat yourself up. You have done amazingly well. I really feel for you, try to take the positive with this. Don't let it become too big in your mind. Break it all down, firstly you have lost nearly three stone which is fantastic! Secondly, this is your time and you have your reason for doing it. You have shown your strength by getting this far, you only have a small amount left to loose, so as Jamsi said, maybe your ready to start to refeed. By refeeding will probably still loose a couple of pounds and get you back into eating again. We all offer you loads of hugs to keep you warm and strong xx
Do you like the way you look now? Could you be comfortable staying around that weight? Will it be enough for your fertility reasons?
I think a lot of people have this ideal that they need to be a size 12 and keep going till they get there and good luck to them. However, you need to get to where you feel right. For me that was a size 16/18 and at a weight i knew i would be happy.
It is easier if you have an end in sight, mine was around 11 weeks as then i had my main holiday and needed to refeed for that. I think 9 weeks is about the time where although you carry on, it does get to the point where you just want a meal and to stop it all.
Have a good think and maybe look at refeeding and then just trying something else like a low carb diet. You will keep on losing weight, albeit slower. Maybe try myfitnesspal.com and set your carbs to around 100 per day. Add your food daily and stick to this and you will keep losing.
Good luck Helen with whatever you decide. xxx
Aww Helen... *big squeeze*
You've not got long to go hunny, just stick with it and you'll come out the other side with no problem, you're so close it'd be a shame to give it all up now.
You've done absolutely fabulous and you've been a big help to me where we've been at the same stages so if theres anything I can do to help you too you just let me know.
Major hugs... Ur not in this alone. Just remember theres a family on here totally willing to share your moans. Remember your reasons for starting and then watch your resilience return xxx
Hi Helen, I've just looked at ur weight what uve lost in 9 weeks and you inspire me, I know at times it must be hard, I'm just coming to my 2nd week, but reading everyone's stories really motivates me.

You have an end goal and you are so close to it, and it must to scary to come off LT, but seeking advice and reading on here is a must.

Good luck, follow Barnsley Lass ;) x
thank you allll sooooooooooo much..... love ya all loads, (god im blubbing again) having a better day today..... so still 100% tfr.... will see how i go and going to think of a stop time properly. xxxxxxx thank you all again so much xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Helen, I've just looked at ur weight what uve lost in 9 weeks and you inspire me, I know at times it must be hard, I'm just coming to my 2nd week, but reading everyone's stories really motivates me.

You have an end goal and you are so close to it, and it must to scary to come off LT, but seeking advice and reading on here is a must.

Good luck, follow Barnsley Lass ;) x

Tar love, was having one of them days. pfffft. where abouts in Barnsley are you? Im in Redbrook near tarn centre, i go to dodworth chemist (assura)

good luck wi lipotrim, its not easy.... but glad to be this far. things get easier (just have the odd days mental breakdown) xx