Extra Easy Enjoying Slimming World But Weight loss is very slow! Help!


New Member
Hi there everyone

Ive been doing Slimming world at home (i have the most recent books etc) for 3 weeks now and have only lost 4 lbs. Although I'm glad to have lost weight, its just so slow and Its getting to me a bit.

Im 5ft 3 and was 10st 9lb 3 weeks ago and I'm now 10st 5 lbs. (Monday is weigh day, so thats as of this morning!). My losses have looked like this:

Wk 1: -1 1/4 lbs
Wk2: -2 lbs
Wk 3: - 3/4 lb

Those fractions are doing my head in. It sucks when you work so hard and dont even lose a full pound! Last week I got up early every day mon-fri and worked out (cardio on an exercise bike) for 30 mins each day and walked a lot too.
I was naughty mid week and weighed to see id put 1/4lb back on so for the remaining 3 days of last week I basically avoided carbs as much as possible and ate mainly P foods and S foods.

Im doing my very best to stick to plan (like not even going out to eat with friends for fear of messing up!) and the only thing I could put my finger on last week after that 1/4lb gain mid week was perhaps my carb intake/free food intake was too high and i needed to up my super free food intake instead.

Is it me or is this just how Slimming World is? About 2 years ago I did the dreaded Herbalife and lost 21lbs in a matter of a few months. BUT I WAS MISERABLE and despite a few attempts since I just can't hack the shakes again and figured that SW was a much healthier approach. Its gutting because my mother and sister are doing SW too and are seeing big losses each week. (like 5 lbs! or 3 lbs at a time!!) BUT- they are a fair bit bigger than me to start with (like 14/15 stone). Is it just a better diet the bigger you are kinda thing?

GRRR!! Sorry for the rant. Any tips? Is there something Im doing wrong??! Im not giving up because I HAVE TO LOSE at least SOME weight (tall, super duper skinny sister in law's wedding is coming up in 6 weeks!! YIKES!) Its just infuriatingly slow. All help appreciated!
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You have less to loose so like me it will be a slow job. You are doing well so just keep at it and don't be impatient it does work xx :)
You don't have much to lose so it will be a bit harder. The thing is you should look at it as a %age of your weight and that will make you feel better.
Also you have admitted you were miserable in herbalife hopefully you don't feel like that on sw. This is a change for life one that you will be able to stick too so look at it like that

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I started off at 11st 7.5lb wanting to get to 9st7lb, i had good first week of 4lb loss but then it was regular 0.5lb - 1.5lb for the entire 8 months it took for me to lose all my weight and get to target. I had a few bigger losses the weeks after id pigged out on holidays/xmas but other than that was steady with my small losses. I know seeing others lose more is disheartening but you dont have much to lose anyway, and its always harder that way! You will get there and its recommended you only lose 1-2 a week anyway as this is proven to be the most effective way to keep the weight off long term. Keep at it, make sure you vary meals, have your HEXA's and your syns and think of it as a way of life. Youre getting into a groove and its coming off - look at a bag of sugar and remind yourself that even losing half of that is a huge 1/2lb of fat thats no longer on you! You'll get to target, its just a longer journey for some people :)
I agree with all the other comments. I have just under a stone to lose and it comes off slowly but I'm happy if it's gling in the right direction. Keep on going because all those 1/2lbs add up! Good luck x
I would rather take the small losses over the weeks I've stayed the same...even 1/2lb! I've been going for 7 weeks and I've had 2 weeks where I have stayed the same, which is disheartening, but I do what I can. At your weight, there really isn't much to lose, so small numbers means better progress for you.
I know it comes off slowly, but it's not just a diet, it's a lifestyle. And a slow loss to me has helped me get used to this way of eating. I've only got two stone to lose, so I know how you feel. But just keep going, it's supposed to be slow as it's a balanced way of eating :)
Are you drinking enough? I know that when I upped my exercise and wasn't upping my water I got small losses (in the last couple of stone which is where I failed, hence back here again!), exercise can lead to water retention and a lot of us are guilty of not drinking enough.

Otherwise slow and steady is better, it might be a pain but if you find this a decent lifestyle then you'll keep it off longer than you would losing a lot in a short amount of time.

If you lost 1lb a week until the wedding that's 6lbs, you'd be surprised how much difference about half a stone can make!

Also remember that you might not be losing numbers, but you might be losing inches, try fitting into a tighter pair of jeans or measuring yourself, I've sent weeks not losing anything but gone down an entire dress size before.
I would get a tape measure and note down the inches, as even when you don't lose weight you can still lose inches. I lost 9 inches all over and not a pound in the scales, when I started running. Which I can no longer do :-(
So don't let the scale upset you to much.
I agree with all the comments above, losing the weight slowly, whilst frustrating, is better for you. Especially at your current weight.

I know it can be disheartening, I usually only see a max of 2lbs off a week, and it does get frustrating. Somtimes, if you're only getting small losses, it's possible that you had relatively healthy eating habits before you started SW, so your body is pretty used to veg/fruit etc.

Keep at it, and you'll get to your target :) And even losing 1/2 lb a week means you'll be 7lbs lighter than when you started by the time that wedding comes around in 6 weeks :)
I totally agree with all of the above comments. On your first post you mentioned maybe eating too much. I have found out to my cost that big portions are not really possible even if a third is superfree/speed.
Even sticking to syns does not guarantee a loss. Carbs I find are not really a problem but you do need the speed.
Everything in moderation is something that I often forget.

I do hope it comes better for you. It is so frustrating when we have that skinny sister. I have one of those.

Good luck on the rest of your journey. xx
I agree with all the above. The scale fluctuates loads due to a whole range of things including:
- bloat
- exercise (sometimes muscles actually retain water, making you 'weigh' more after intense exercise whilst they're recovering)
- excess sodium
- your menstrual cycle

The scale isn't everything and progress is progress! I know how frustrating it is but keep your chin up!
I'm 5ft 2 and weighed just under 10 stone when I joined. My losses are small but steady.
I lost 4 lbs in a week doing SP but other weeks have been small. I've lost 10lbs since Nov. I think the weight comes off slowly when you don't have much to lose.
Stick with it hun you'll get there.
Try shaking things up by trying new foods, having different syns and HealthyExtras etc xxx

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I agree with all the other comments above. You will get there but slower. I don't lose more than 2 lb and I know mine will drop down to either 0- 1.5 lbs from now on ( I've done SW a number of times) I am really trying my best to keep going as I do tend to give up before I get there.