exams!! Tips on remembering stuff????


Silver Member

I have exams next week, Indian head massage, body massage, aromatherapy, remedial massage and reflexology ( and anatomy and physiology the week after that)
I have major stress in my life ( separating from husband) and need tips from anyone who knows how to get stuff into your head and keep it there!! Help please.
have been giving myself aromatherapy and reflex but need all the help I can get!!!

Hopeful Heidi xxx
May sound silly but I remember reading somewhere that if you listen (tape/CD which you probably won't have on the stuff you need to remember????) while you are sleeping, your brain apparently absorbs it without all the normal stresses of revising!
Don't know if it's any good to you?????

You could make a tape of you reading out any of the theory stuff that you are finding hard to remember. I'm assuming a lot of these are practical exams?

Is Anat & Phys going to be multiple choice or written answers?
no not practical, we have those too but these are written exams. Yes a&p is multiple choice!!
Don't have tape recorder though, what do people do now that tape recorders are no longer in vogue!!
Hey hun - best of luck for your exams!

I find writing things down invaluable as a learning tool. I'm a visual learner though - I need to write down a spelling before I can 'see' it in my head, I need to write out a sum rather than make the mental calculation in my head etc. So if I need to remember something, I jot down the key points in a mind map
Mind map - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

using lots of different colours, big writing for really important stuff and little writing for details and so on.

Then, when you're in the exam, your mind will recall your mindmap and you will 'see' the answer. Magic, hey?

For aural learners, then yes - the good old tape recorder is a must. If you can't find one, can you get hold of a dictaphone? (Yes, I know the old joke -can't you use your finger like everyone else hahahahah).

For kinaesthetic learners, the only way to get the information into your head is to DO it, which I suppose is the practical side of your exam. Some people will perform better in the practical than they do in the academic part purely because their strengths are different.

So you need to ask yourself, how do you best remember things? Do you need to write a shopping list? Or can you remember what you need from someone telling you? Then you use the revision techiques that will work for you and don't bother with the rest.

Hope this helps, darling!

Thanks Isobel,
going to try mind maps , sound s like that might do it for me, as I am a visual learner too!!
off to try it now!!

Love Heidi xxx
Like Issy, I'm a visual learner and use various ways of retrieving info. One method is to use colour. I use brightly coloured post-it notes: one piece of information per note and one colour per 'theme'.
When I was doing my sociology exam, I'd put all the funtionalist sociologists on, say, bright pink and all the marxist on bright green.

In biology, genetics were one colour and digestive system on another etc etc

Then I'd stick the notes anywhere and everywhere ... kitchen cabinets, doors, the fridge door, mirrors. To recall the info in the exam, I'd simply remember the colour and its location (e.g genetics in pink on the fridge door) and it seemed to trigger my memory.

The house looked a bit odd for a week or so but it seemed to work - I got three As and a B in my 'A levels' despite considering myself to have a memory like a sieve!
Hi Heidi,
I'm with Issy on the mind maps - they really work for me too, I used them for my finals.

The other thing I used to do was write down key things on post it notes and put them on the wall.
Then I'd try to learn the answers, and would test myself periodically by looking at the keywords and trying to answer. If I did it I'd tick it off...3 ticks on the post it and I'd pretty much got it....the ones without or less ticks I had to revise more.

Really sorry to hear how stressful things are for you at the moment, and wish you the very best of luck for the forthcoming exams.

Kitty xxx