Exante TS - help!


Full Member
I have been doing TS since the 3rd I absolutely hate the soups! I have been doing 2 shakes and a bar since but because it's all so sweet I am dying for something savoury! Anyone know what I can do? Someone mentioned using 2 exante with 1 slim and save savoury pack would this work? I have tried bullion and it's not for me! I really need to do this TS so please help!
MashedBanana said:
I have been doing TS since the 3rd I absolutely hate the soups! I have been doing 2 shakes and a bar since but because it's all so sweet I am dying for something savoury! Anyone know what I can do? Someone mentioned using 2 exante with 1 slim and save savoury pack would this work? I have tried bullion and it's not for me! I really need to do this TS so please help!

I wouldn't personally use s and s with Exante. The cals are less and with s and s you have to take vitamins.
I'm in the same boat as you so dont know what to suggest.
I have just shakes and the occassional bar and I tried bouillon for something savoury but I hate it, so I'm stuck too!
Starlight - what if I substitute one pack of exante for s&s when I really really really need something savoury? What do you do? Or don't you crave savoury at all?
Aggh Blue! What will we do?! I never thought I'd see the day when I'm sick of sugar!!! Hopefully we will find some way around it! Xx
Perhaps you could have your 3 exante packs and if you're really craving something savoury have a slim and save meal as well, as it would only be on odd occassions I dont think it'd hurt.
I think Id do exactly what BB suggested, I think that would be the best option. If S&S was a TFR which gave you the full RDA then Id swap it but its not and I wouldnt risk it. A lot of people have an extra Exante pack when they struggle so an extra pack of S&S wont do any harm, I believe calorie wise theyre around 160??

Youll probably find that you wont need them as much as you think, I often find knowing I can have something means I dont crave it as much as when I know I cant lol Its a psychological thing

Im lucky that I dont crave savoury too often and if I do I absolutely love Bullion