Excuses I make

I make so many excuses about my weight and what I should or shouldn't be doing to help myself. I'm hoping by saying them out loud here I can own that they're excuses and stop using them!

1. I've sweated already today, so I don't need to exercise.
2. If my partner is eating chocolate then it's not fair that I'm not.
3. I'm starting again tomorrow so I can eat what I like today (and everyday until I actually stop myself and really do start.)
4. If it's in the house I'm going to eat it.

GAH this list could get really long...
Currently I am too heavy to ride Dylan (it was always my dream to have my own pony), which is bloody awful. I slowly gained weight over 6 months, and I have used every single excuse under the sun.

1)I have been fat for 18 years on and off, so maybe this is the size I am supposed to be...while stuffing my face with cookies. Another month isn't going to hurt, I will diet next month.
2)It wont hurt eating 3 plates of Chinese buffet at the Chinese as long as I dont eat battered stuff...while pouring hot melted chocolate all over icecream. It will be o.k as long as I do that extra walk, even though I will probably make an excuse not to do that.
3)Its Xmas/valentines/mother day/my birthday/the dogs birthday etc.. I will eat what I want because I am celebrating after all.
4) I am upset/stressed/peed off/kids are driving me bonkers/on my period, I deserve something to cheer me up.
5)There's always tomorrow...which never comes.

Like you I am sure there is more, and I have got to stop doing it!
So many familiars right there, I'm thinking many of us use the same ones, or at least we did until we joined this forum.

At the risk of being TMI. An excuse common to myself is "it's that time of the month, I deserve to have a take away"

Or something like "I feel really down, why not eat 3 creme eggs in one sitting, food is the only pleasure I have in life"

And so they go on and on and on huh?
Hi, I hadn't seen your thread but i just made one which is so similar! I think excuses are a lot flimsier than they seem when you challenge them. There are ways around them. I'm still at the stage where I can't keep chocolate or crisps in the house, but its just reinforcing my belief that i have no control. It is funny the things you'll tell yourself in order to get past your willpower. I think listing them is a good start because you can catch yourself at it. Remember you're not on your own x