Exercise and gaining weight


Hi all just wondering if anyone has ever had the same experience as me. I have followed sw at home and managed to get within 2lbs of target. I had never exercised during this time and thought that I should start because was not able to shift the last few and people were saying I was too thin!

So I embarked on jillian michaels 30 day shred and completed this. But instead of losing weight I gained. But my body shape has started to change but no inches lost either. Starting to get muscles!

So I decided to try the kettleworx and am now in my second week and the scales are moving up again so now I have nearly a 7lbs to lose to reach target. I don't want to measure inches yet cause I think I'll get really dishearted. My body fat has decreased but I really want it lower. Don't know if there is anything I'm doing wrong. I have had the odd indulgent day but overall it wouldn't effect things. I would expect weight to stay the same. I am now into week 7 of working out. Trying to do it 5 days a week-got addicted to the feeling doing the shred.

Sorry for the long post but if anyone can help it would be appreciated.

thats what happened to me, initially my weight dropped down but i was only doing cardio, soon as i introduced weight training i soon gained. i hadent weighed myself in ages and when i did i was 14lbs heavier!
bit sad about the gain, but i think i look better with the muscle definition and i havent got bigger in my clothes. still the same size, but a stone heavier.