Exercise Calorie Calculator


Gold Member
Hi Guys,

I've always wondered how accurate the gym machines calculate how many calories I burnt when on them. I'm pretty big and common sense tells you that I would burn more than someone half my size.

Anyway, doing a bit of googling confirmed my assumption and there's lots of exercise calorie calculators you can use but just wanted to know whether this is right or am I just researching for no reason?

I was on my treadmill for 55 minutes walking at 4.5 km/hour. I've only had a look at 2 calculators but they are both in mph so as 4.5kmph is 2.7 mph I averaged the calories burnt between 2 and 3 mph to give me a rough figure and it's saying I burnt 414 calories.

My treadmill I said I burnt 250.

Now, granted I know that my treadmill isn't that sophisticated (although it's very expensive) so it'll only give me an average I suppose, but that's a big difference :-/ would love to hear what you guys think.

Actually you know what? Lol I've just realised that MFP actually calculates it for you when u add it in! Lol