Exercise classes


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Any1 go to any exercise classes they wod recommend? Need t start doing something
I've gone to gyms for years but never really did classes since last September. Now its all I do.

I really really really love Combat and Pump. I'm not that co-ordinated but can cope with the combat routines. Also they have the same routine for about 3 months so you get used to it.
Pump is fab for toning too.
Both burn over 700 cals in an hour!!!!!

But the best one for you is one you'll enjoy - give a few a go.
BOKWA!! :D I tried it for the first time last night and absolutely loved it.

Now, I've never been one for classes as I've always felt I'd be embarrassed or nervous, but it was such good fun!! Everyone was too busy jumping around and having fun with it, they weren't paying attention to what everyone else was doing - perfect if you're shy/easily embarrassed.

Bokwa is a cardiovascular workout combined with South African war dance, Capoeira, Kickboxing and Steps. I guess it's kind of like Zumba, but less dancey (if that makes sense!) - it focuses a lot around letters, numbers and shapes, which you make on the floor. Everyone goes at their own pace and makes it work for them - it really works up a sweat!

The class I went to last night lasted an hour, although it felt much shorter than that - as they say, time flies when you're having fun!! :)

I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a fun, active workout.
If you can find classes near you I'd definitely recommend Body Attack, Body Combat, Body Pump and spinning.
Attack is high intensity cardio - tough but burns those calories and has different levels depending on your fitness.
Combat is like martial arts training but without a partner. Lots of punching and kicking.
Pump is a weights class, great for toning and strength, just start with low weights til you get the hang of it!!
Spin is just on a bike, high intensity and sweaty as!! Be careful if your gym has steps out like mine - I always nearly fall down from jelly legs after spin!!
I really wanna go to spin but think m too unfit and wouldn't be able to hack the pace
Does your gym do different intensity spin classes?
It is hard, but I just do what I can - my fastest speed isn't the same as someone else's, everyone works to different levels and so will you. As long as you vaguely follow what the instructor is telling you, you will be fine!!

My one tip, which a friend gave me before my first class, is that when they tell you to turn the resistance up, don't do it as much, as it makes it so hard!! I usually pretend ;) and I've been going to spin for 8 months now!!x
Does your gym do different intensity spin classes?
It is hard, but I just do what I can - my fastest speed isn't the same as someone else's, everyone works to different levels and so will you. As long as you vaguely follow what the instructor is telling you, you will be fine!!

My one tip, which a friend gave me before my first class, is that when they tell you to turn the resistance up, don't do it as much, as it makes it so hard!! I usually pretend ;) and I've been going to spin for 8 months now!!x

Ha ha - I do that in Spin!!!! I really dont like Spinning but can manage a "Begin to Spin" class as its only half hour. I also find it really boring
I'd never heard of Bokwa!! Will keep an eye out for it.

Zumba is great because you can pace it to your fitness really easily, and as it's usually a very mixed class you're less likely to get scared off by gym-bunnies in the early stages.

I do a mix of Legs, Bums & Tums (Sat), Body Combat (Thur and Sun), Body Pump (Mon and Thur) and Aerobics (Tues), as well as a Tap Class for some light body magic on a Wednesday. I do like Zumba as well, but the times that the classes are on don't suit me so well. I do it occasionally, but for me to keep up my routine it has to be 'do-able' logistically without too much of a rush after work.
Aqua running sounds fab - apart from having to wear a swimsuit. I wish I was rich and had my own pool, then I'd swim every day.