Exercise :S

Wy everybody! What do you all do for exercise! Can't say I'm a fan and don't have much time as much as I love swimming it's just getting and having an hour spare :S otherwise what do you all do when you don't have much time for it or is it best to just not sleep lol :)
I didn't have much time for it as I'm mostly leaving my house in the morning at 7am and come back home around 7-8ish in the evening. But luckily I was able to change it in a way that I now stay at home for a little later in the morning and do my exercise before anything else :) I think it also helps to create a good day, from the beginning and I don't feel so sluggish all day lol I just do anything I can in and around my house, I've an exercise ball, skipping rope and 1.5l water bottles that I mostly use then my own body weight works too. Im just a beginner what comes to exercise :)
I have got a treadmill at home and do a good paced 3 mile walk on it daily ...only been at it a week but i hope it is helping me but i am new to doing exercise lol ,i think any kind of movement that gets the heart racing is good in the end :)