Fat wife to (slim) Midwife


Full Member
Well as the title says I am fat, and I want to be a midwife!

The university Im applying for prefers those with an ideal BMI - Mine is currently nearing 50! My weight has never really stopped me from doing anything before but this has given me a MAHOOOSSSIIVVEEEE boost up the backside. I know I am capable of being a fabulous midwife, and I will not be letting my weight stop me from being one!
Hi Sparks :)

Have you started WW already? I had my first meeting today, and it was surprisingly less daunting that I thought it would be! On day one, my head tells me I'm starving, but my stomach is keeping out of it :p Good luck with your journey :)
Pointed up everything yesterday but felt really hungry all day. I had 3 big meals where normally I have 2 and snacks - which meant I was hungry at night time and ended up using 10 weeklies! Lesson learnt!

Going to Zumba Gold tonight, 45 min session. It's alot slower than Zumba and cheesy pop. I find I enjoy it more than normal Zumba as I can actually keep up =] Not expecting any loss tomorrow as I ate and drank my own body weight at the weekend (Im big so that was a LOT!)

Im away on a training session next weekend, and then it's my husbands, sons and sisters birthday the following weekend so there will be BBQ food and lots of alcohol. I need to find a way of getting round social events, At home Im always good but take me out of my comfort zone and things seem to go bad!
I have also made a food diary on here so I can see if I need any feedback on things x
You sound just like me! I am a picker, and more often than not I don't even realise i'm doing it. It occurred to me yesterday that the things I pick at don't even make it onto a plate lol (straight from the fridge). I find myself often over the last 2 days thinking at intervals-hmmm what can i eat. Before I tended to miss breakfast, have a cheese toastie and salad for lunch then a proper dinner. But the evenings were (are) always the worst, the time of day when I sit down and relax. I'm not even a crisp or biscuit eater, but I do indulge heavily with cooking. Cream, butter, rich cheeses and sauces are all ingredients I love to mess around with. And of course the bottle of red wine to go with it!
I love wine! Or vodka, or beer...I drink a lot, not often but when I do it's loads. And then a kebab on the way home!

I've been at home all day today, I would normally not eat til 3pm ish then not stop - But although I didn't have breakfast I did eat lunch at 12. I've just had my dinner because Im not used to eating for early! I thought I was really tight for points all day, turns out I have loads left so will be having snacks tonight nomnomnom! I don't want to make a hait out of having lots left, just enough something to fill a hole. Looking back at what I was eating in the last few weeks Im not surprised the way I am, I'll be one of those people in the papers that compare old and new menus and everyone will be horrified!

I have a end of training party thingy tomorrow afternoon which Im slightly dreading, Im hoping someone takes salad!
Still plodding along. Have gone over on weeklies by not pointing correctly - learning curve!

Weigh in on Friday - not sure how much I would of lost. I don't seem to have good losses, just semi decent ones. I can't wait tot go to class though, I hope it's going to give me a kick up the bum =]
Its quite tough to get in the swing of these points, I haven't been feeling hungry (much) over the week, and I keep thinking 'am I doing this right?!' lol. :eek: