Cruise PP Fed up :(:(:(


Silver Member
Completely lost the plot today after being so good fed up and annoyed with myself why why why do I undo all my hard work ....didn't even enjoy it :(:(
My advice is... don't step on a scale, forget what you ate today and continue as if nothing tomorrow.

It is all in your head at the moment, this wont undo all the hard work you have done if you don't let it.

Be strong the next couple of days and then you will see that you will still b on track
Thanks for that so i shouldn't weigh for a few days ??? Might actually not weigh till sat morning and have a few pp days to get me on track again ...glad to say the carbs didn't taste as good as I remember !!!

Back on it and thank you x
Don't be hard on yourself, we all do it at some point. Well done for putting it behind you and getting back on track, it won't make a difference but right to avoid the scales short term. Keep going - glad the carbs weren't as tasty as you thought they would be!!!x
Ahh Nicola don't be fed up! You've done amazingly well so far. And it's not the little slip ups that put the weight on - it's when you fall off the wagon for days and weeks. You've already committed to getting back on it tomorrow which is the main thing and you'll honestly feel much better when you're back in control. I definitely did! Chin up and keep it up xxxx
Thanks trudy and Emma for that ...your right it's what I do after the slip up that does the damage ...ive dusted myself off and I'm back on it now xx

Thanks teddy have to I swear I feel terrible today my body feels sore to touch ...must be the toxins from junk :(
Stop and take a deep breath.

The only way you could "undo all your hard work" is by letting this one slip on one day get to you, and not getting on with your plan today.

Life's like that - we have great days and not so good days. Don't let the occasional not so good days outweigh all the great days and all the small day-to-day victories you can celebrate.
Thanks Hun your all so
Wise :):):) ....i got back on plan today so hopeful I haven't done too much damage ... feeling better already xx