Extra Easy Feeling a little gutted

C Millan

Full Member
So, been with SW for 5 weeks now and managed to lose 1st 6lbs (dont know how lol) however a couple of days ago i tried on a smaller size of clothes and they dont fit, feeling pretty deflated. i feel that the weight lost is just numbers and it doesnt really mean anything, whereas losing a clothes size would really boost my confidence. How long did it take everyone to come down a size? and how much weight u lose?
I've lost just over 2 stone and have no size change yet.
I think it really depends on your body. People tell me they can tell I've lost weight but my clothes size doesn't reflect it at all!!!!
I hope soon I'll go down a size. I know I will eventually as the numbers are going down. :)
Ooh it so depends from person to person!! As it depends on your shape aswell. Think I was at the 2 stone mark before I moved down a full and proper dress size (without squeezing myself in) stay positive and stick with it you're doing so well!
I agree it does depend on the person! some people lose it on their face first.. do you have a picture of yourself before you lost weight? if so, take a pic of yourself now and compare them both.. you may see a difference that way.
Don't let it deflate you, you are losing weight and are on the way to being healthy! x
I started at a size 24 bottoms, think I was a 20 after my 3 st loss. But I've gone down to a size 16 bottoms with my 6 1/2st loss, so only 4 sizes. So the 1st to a dress size rule doesn't fit us all! The inch loss will come, don't worry. Do you exercise? I find since I started exercising the dress sizes went down more
Thank you :) yeh i do some walking. people say they see a difference in different places but i cant see it lol.
ive been looking at the inspirational pictures, they are giving me a little hope lol
Thank you :) yeh i do some walking. people say they see a difference in different places but i cant see it lol.
ive been looking at the inspirational pictures, they are giving me a little hope lol

You will see it soon! Just got to persevere. As the numbers go down on the scales just remember you're getting healthier inside all the time. X
My consultant put this really well the other week at group when a few people were disappointed about only going down 1 dress size after losing a stone or more.... she asked them, can you honestly say you were fitting perfectly into the size you were wearing at the start or in reality was the size you were in actually too small but you were still squeezing yourself in because you refused to go up another size?? ;) In which case you've probably lost 2 dress sizes...

I've lost 1st 7lbs and I've gone from being a rather snug size 16 to being between a 12 and 14, but that's only really happened in the last few weeks and I exercise every single day, so think that's been helping my inch loss x
It felt like ages before I went down I size - I was a 26 in trousers and a 22 in tops when I started SW. The clothes started getting loose very slowly and it was at about 2.5st lost that I had to get shopping! It was also at about 2.5st - 3st lost that people started noticing that I'd lost weight.

Once the sized starting dropping though they dropped quite quickly. I've now lost 5.5 stone and I'm now down to a 14/16 in tops and 16/18 in trousers so hang in there! xxx
I have just posted a very similar reply to what I'm about to say to another thread, so forgive me if you have already read it.

i have now lost two stone, with the first stone my c,others size stayed the same, they didn't even appear to be any looser, but with my second stone I dropped TWO dress sizes, suddenly my clothes were massive on me and when I took myself off shopping I was having to buy things two sizes smaller, and they fit very well, not at all tight fitting in any way. I did up the exercise a bit for the second stone so this may have helped. But not worry it may start to show all of a sudden, after all it has to show eventually!!
Thank u very much for ur replies :) uve really helped me feel a bit better about things.
i had a weigh in this morning and ive managed to lose another 3 and a half pounds, got my 1 and a half stone sticker too :) (i do love the stickers lol)
I am on Week 9 of Slimming World and have lost 1st 12. I also lost half a stone before joining and have only recently started to change body shape. Ive dropped 2 dress sizes for tops and 1 size down in the bottoms just in the last 3 weeks. It takes time. Even though I had lost over a stone I didnt notice it anywhere but the tape measure did notice so its always good to keep a record and take measurements. They boost your confidence if you have a lot to lose. Each week when when I get home from group I measure my legs (They are horrid), waist, bust and hips. If ive lost another inch from my hips or waist its a happy moment :) Hang in there. Our bodies are all different and we cant compare one journey to another. We all work differently and you have already done really well so keep going :) xx