Feeling chilly!


Full Member
Hi, I've been doing Cambridge for 4 days now and sticking to it without too much difficulty. However,yesterday and today I've been absolutely freezing! I've permanently in my dressing gown with a blanket around me.

Is this normal?

Thanks for the reply. I guess the sun might be out but I'll be looking out my woolly jumpers again! X
I'm on Week 11 and still freezing!
Hot water bottle every night, and i even had my boss buy me a wee heater to put under my desk :p
I am exactly the same. I used to be mesh before I started Cambridge but now I am even worse! I have a heater underneath my desk at work to try and keep my bottom half warm and I sit with a cup of hot water to warm my fingers up. Sad I know but need to do something :D I try to forget about it and just think about all the weight I am loosing x