Feeling fat & down :(


My weight is really getting me down at the moment I'm I just don't know where to start with tackling it :(

I'm 35 years old and want to lose approx 3st. At the moment my partner is pregnant with twins and I'm desperate not to be a fat mummy. We're struggling for money at the moment so I'm working 55 hours a week to try and keep us financially secure. I keep wondering about re joining a slimming group, but would also like to join a leisure centre or gym and go swimming...but I'd feel guilty about spending the money.

I lost about a stone earlier this year by sticking to a vegan diet, and part of me would like to go back to being vegan...I don't know, I just feel so stressed and stuck in such a rut just now. I'm in real need of some winter clothes, jumpers etc but get so depressed when I try anything on in the shops as I just feel fat.

Sorry for such a moaning post...I'm just so lost right now :(
I know how you feel, I went from 16 stone to 9 stone 2 years ago and have managed to put it all apart from half a stone back on! Now my hubby is working away for the next 8 months Im really going to do something about it, but I had to quit my job to move with my husbands job, then he gets sent away for so long, so money is tight too.

I find myfitnesspal really helpful, its a free app you can download and it logs your calories, its pretty easy to use, so you don't have to spend much money on special food and you don't have to pay for classes and support, use the forum for that, join some of the challenges and the others on here will help support you.

You have a really good incentive to lose the weight and most of weight loss is mental attitude, so you can do it if you really want too x
Hi First 78, Escapade is right, you can get so much from this forum, just remember to be kind to yourself, you have a lot going on at the moment, planning meals is very important esp with you working so many hours. try to give yourself a little bit of time each week to think of meals that will suit your week ( left overs for lunch can work well) and make a shopping list from your meal plan.
I agree with you on the shopping front, i think its evil, hate clothes shopping, i want to be able to buy nice clothes not always heading to the fat section. You will get there just keep trying and celebrate every win big or small. Good Luck with your journey. now i just need to try and take my own advise xxx
I was going to try vegan but I can't imagine not eating eggs.
Don't be hard on yourself you'll get there. I have been taking small steps with SW because I know a big change won't last with me.
Planning meals is definitely a good way to keep track of what you're eating.