Filling Lunches?!


Full Member
Hey everyone :)
I work in a childrens nursery which im sure you will all know requires alot of energy and enthusiasm! I restarted calorie counting this week as a summer filled with holidays and weekends away have left me with a disapearing waist line!
My problem that i have found is that my lunches arent filling me up! I usually have my lunch between 11.30-1, then i dont get home til 7. I seem to be getting hungry at around 3o'clock which is when the children have their afternoon snack, the temptation to have some is unreal!

Before i was dieting i used to either have a cheese baguette and crisps or a jacket potato with beans and lots of cheese!
does anyone know any good filling lunch ideas? or jacket potato fillings which wont cost me alot of calories?? Im a veggie aswell no so meat :)

Rachel xx

I usually take a weight watchers soup to work along with a pack of ryvita minis. Depending on which soup it is that's about 200 cals for both and I find the soups especially the Tuscan minestrone really filling. At that cals it leaves you enough to have a snack when the children are having theirs if you need something to keep you going til night. I make up little bags with nuts, dried cranberries, chocolate buttons & raisins mixed together with 150 cals in each bag. Takes a wee while to weigh it all out and get cals right but I make about 20 bags at once and keep in fridge so I don't have to work out cals for a snack at work.
Get some proteins in there!
If you're a veggie, you're going to have it tougher, but say if your lunch is a salad, bulk it up with an egg or two. Not too many calories either. And a hard boiled egg goes a long way.
I take a jacket spud and a little pot of EL phillidelphia (38 cals).

Not as filling as beans tho. Heinz Low sugar/salt micro tubs of beans are only 147 calories so i sometimes have them.
MissAmy said:
I take a jacket spud and a little pot of EL phillidelphia (38 cals).

Not as filling as beans tho. Heinz Low sugar/salt micro tubs of beans are only 147 calories so i sometimes have them.

Yes, I have one of those bean pots at work every day, with some mini breadsticks, followed by fruit. xx
I like tinned mixed beans or veggie chilli.

I'm a childminder so know your pain about snack time but we have yogurt, breadsticks, fruit and veg sticks, so everything I can have (although I did have 2 custard creams today ooppss)