Finding a users content.


Staff member
The new site is a little different but here is a quick thread on finding another users posts.

Tap on their username and a box like this should pop up.


Tap on profile page and then you will be presented with their profile.


Tap on the posting tab and go to the bottom.


Then tap on find all content (which includes photo gallery uploads).

Or just threads started by user.

And its that simple!



  • Screenshot_2016-01-06-20-00-37.png
    418 KB · Views: 41
Hi im not sure how this works only joined last night. Created a post and now i cant comment anything or to anyone ? Am i restricted or have i done something wrong. Thanks
Yes, there's a lot of key words that trigger the spam system. Some common use like book, post, thread, admin, survey. And other abusive words I can't say here.

I don't want conversations to be disrupted, of course. But it's important to me that spam doesn't go public as it's even more of a nuisance.

The first couple of posts must be manually approved. Then there is an automatic flagged for the next couple after that.

Spam wasn't a problem but it seems to have stepped up a notch recently. It made more sense to manually approve every post of every new member recently.