Step2 810kcal Finding my way back to eating food


New Member
I've been reading people's weight loss diaries on minimins for the last year or so and they've been so inspirational, I thought I'd start my own to track my journey moving up the steps to hopefully maintenance- somewhere that at the moment feels like quite a long way away!

Firstly a bit about myself... I've always been overweight and before CWP I'd never done exercise. I was always the kind of person who would take the lift rather than the stairs. I started CWP at the start of 2013 and have managed to lose 48kg (nearly 7 1/2 stone) but never made it to moving up the steps. I've been able to maintain my weight (with a slight Christmas gain) and have had a couple of attempts to move up the steps but having been on SS for nearly 2 years (in between the odd meal out here and there). The thought of having food again is very scary but I want to start living life again rather than avoiding social occasions where there's going to be food and learning to eat in moderation.

I go to the gym every day and ran a half marathon this year so I know I've got the exercise part of my life sorted, (maybe a bit too much exercise) but food is a whole other issue. I'm doing SS until Saturday to get myself back in the dieting mindset after Christmas and will them aim to be moving through the steps from there.

I'd really appreciate any advice, experience, kick up the bum that anyone can give me along the way!
Hey suz welcome back to CWP. You sound as if your ready for the new you in 2015. Keep posting often on here and you will do fine.

I also keep a diary and it really does help for your good or bad days. When do you start ?
first off congrats on losing all that weight and your exercise regime. you ve made a fab start but it sounds like your journey has a while to go, to be scared of food is normal after a food replacement diet but you are going to need to find a way to fit it back into your life.
2 years seems a long time to be on cwp, how do you feel your relationship with food is are you prone to binging? it sounds like you are going to have to be very careful with the refeed as to gain 4kgs in a month and be doing all the exercise sound s like your body's metabolism has changed. what does your counsellor say? id be tempted to suggest some sort of counselling to explore your relationship with food as you will at some point need to get a handle on what is going to work for you.

this is purely a personal view and im not cwp trained but id suggest not going back to ss now and stay on step 2 to lose the xmas weight then over a long time ( rather than just the 2 wks) step up. i think this will give you time to examine what your body needs.

to lose all the weight is great but at the expense of missing out on life seems a high price to pay, ultimately you will want to enjoy life and have control over food (the holy grail:) )

i wish you all the best and keep posting as its another outlet for all our thoughts and with people who understand what it is like to be on this type of diet