Finding your triggers that make you binge


I've been doing SW for nearly 2 months now and loving it. I'm 1 stone 5lbs lighter, 1lb off Club 10 and 2lbs off my stone and a half sticker.

I've found it all becoming second nature but lately I've started to slip. In particular it's when my OH's not around. Not that he's picking on me when he's around but more that I feel like I can get away with it when nobody is watching.

Really trying to reign it back in but I'm interested to see what other people's triggers are and how you've overcome them. :)
when i'm drunk! even just one drink i'll be like "ah sure why not" last time i got very drunk i woke up with a slice pan missing and the remains of 2 bags of garlic chips beside me, not to mention kitkat wrappers under my pillow (no memory of it either, maybe it doesn't count then???? ;) ) when i'm with friends in general, we're all such a bingey bunch for some reason, i always cook up a bit extra now when i know they're calling over and if i'm going to drink i have a sweet potato before i go out and watch my intake like a hawk! another is when the house is in a mess, it stresses me out so i reach for the treats as opposed to the sweeping brush but now i force myself to do it then try to feel smug about my cleaning workout hehe ;) if all else fails i always try to keep fruit about so at least if i binge i can binge on something that's good for me no more dough babies!
Well done for sticking to it for 2 months :) I've managed 2 weeks so far (which is good for me) and am 5lbs down. Tiredness is my big thing, I put most of my weigh on after I'd had my kids and wasn't getting much sleep especially with my youngest who took months to get past waking every 2 hours. I've been going to the gym a lot which is giving me loads more ebergy but yesterday afternoon I felt so tired, the kids were driving me up the wall (hey are and 3) and all I wanted to do was crawl under the duvet. Because I couldn't I raided the kitchen and now I'm so annoyed :mad: I didn't let myself stop long enough to think about not doing it - it was like I was on autopilot. I even ate some chocolate biscuits when I'm supposed to have given it up for lent - I didn't even realise until hours later!

I've got a tough week this week as it is with dps birthday and mine and a night out tonight.

Still I feel better this morning and am going to have a good day with a gym session this morning - I'll stick to the vodka and diet coke tonight :)