
If you are coming off the diet completely because you have lost too much weight what kind of foods can you begin eating if you are not in management? cheers
I'd guess that it's still best to be roughly based on Management rather than just going back to eating bits of everything - but sorry I don't know what you can eat and when ---- I'm pretty sure there's a management bit to the site if you have a look ... I'm not that lucky to have needed that bit yet.

There's also an excellent blog done that is written Mrs - The Lard Arms === this has some really useful sections on all sorts of areas including Management.

I use the Patrick Holford books, which are based on low gi, and my maintenance is going fine. good luck!
sorry, I went straight from ssing to low gi so I can't help.

day one I had a mackerel fillet just microwaved
day two a salmon fillet steamed with salt and pepper

that is it, you still have 3 packs per day
forgot to say, any management questions should really go in the RTM section at the top as we really shouldn't talk about food in here as everyone here is SSing.