First date from hell

i would post a link to his website where u can hear his tracks and see clips of him performing but there's also a guestbook and i'd worry about the comments he may get in his guestbook!!

As if we would!!!
*mouth open wide*


can't actually believe that, i honestly cant find the words..

He deserves to be single, what a vile man!

much love to you, as you said, his problem not yours.. keep your head held high, someone else will see that beautiful face and snap you up in no time. xxxxxxx
What a horrid horrid little man. I bet he sits at home at night wondering why no woman ever wants to see him more than once (take a look at yourself boyo!)
I wouldn't wish someone like that on my worst enemy. Round of applause for telling him where to go. Samantha Jones would be proud of you hun! x
I did dateline years ago (before internet dating) This guy called me up on my mobile & seemed ok. I was busy at the time with stuff so said I would call him when I was free to meet up but everyday following that he called me about 15 times a days. I didn't answer & ended up asigning him a ringtone so I didn't have to look at my phone. He gave up after about 2 weeks. I am now married & met my hubby at work

On the upside my best friend has just met her bloke on the very last week of her 6 months free at They have been together for 5 months now & she is the happiest I have ever seen her & we have been friend for nearly 15 years
I just have to share this with somebody. I met up with a guy i'd been talking to on a dating site and over the phone the other Tuesday. And do you know what he said?? He said I looked like a freak and frankenstein because of my hair. Said I had to tone my arms up and that my ankles were too fat! he wanted me to grow my hair and have it coloured. he also mentioned me moving in with him in the future. Bear in mind this was the first date! He'd seen photos of me and I know I do not look all that bad!! he'd been single for over a year- I wonder why! Anyway, usually I'd be devastated at being spoken to like this, but instead I told him to p off, and held my head up high because I know he had the problem and not me! He said he was just being cruel to be kind! AARRGGGHH. Plus i've taken myself off the dating site now- I wonder why?!!!

I think that you should report this to the dating site. You were obviously tough enough and confident enough to deal with him, but imagine the effect he might have on someone who is timid and easily bullied!
You live and learn eh? I think u look great from your photos he obviously knows no social ettiquette and I cant spell sorry lol.
Dont give up on the web they are not all like that ! xxx
Bloody hell! What a horrible man :eek: Really, really not surprised he hasn't been on a date in a year....what an arse!
Glad you're ok though and didn't take any notice of what he said. x
Thanks everyone! Decided to give the dating site thing ONE last try. Just going to be so cautious now. Will keep you informed of my quest to find my romeo!
Yes go for it. Not everyone is like him. What a nerve he had. I met my husband to be on a music website. We just got on like a house on fire when we met at a concert...
Good luck
And you look great by the way. I LOVE your hair x
What a (rhymes with prat and starts with T)! Ah c'mon post his website, I am dying to know what this loser looks and sounds like, prob makes my Ma sound like celine dion!:D