First day...again!

Back on the CD! I started a few months ago but ended up giving up after day 4. Really determined to stick to it but my tummy is rumbling!

In fact I might go have shake number 3!
you CAN do it :) don't give up!! x
You def can do it! Stick with it. Ride the rollercoaster and you will come out beaming the other side. Im only half way there and I am, you can!
Good luck and if you need to hop on here! Everyone is great.
Don't give in first week not easy but after that easy, so just stick it out, ur soon forget about food, you won't be there thinking of food any more which is a lovely feeling. You won't be hungry and the weight will fall off you. Good luck. Remember if you need some food do ss+. Your still have amazing weight losses.