First Day


I ♥ SW!
Hi all, this is my first day on the diet and I am not sure of u hv done it correctly. I am quite hungry and hv bn all day. I had 2x toast (Hexb) and fried eggs (fry light) for breakfast. Bananna at Lunch time and then for dinner I had diced chicken with onions n peppers, sw chips and mushy peas.
I am going to hv grapes later on.
Is this enough x
No, having a banana for your lunch isn't gonna keep you full :( and you need to eat some syns and have a heathy extra a choice Hun x
I was in a rush today and I grabbed a banana as jr was close by. I have made a huge pot of veg soup which I will have for lunch tomorrow. I am going to have milk later on for my hexa choice. What do u use ur syns on? X
I was in a rush today and I grabbed a banana as jr was close by. I have made a huge pot of veg soup which I will have for lunch tomorrow. I am going to have milk later on for my hexa choice. What do u use ur syns on? X
That's good Hun, you really shouldn't be hungry on this! For quick lunches savoury rice and a frozen veg steam pack (Birdseye ones or asdas own!) mugshots, cooked meats and pre-prepared salads that you can chop up in advance. Loads of quick things we can grab x

i use syns on whatever I fancy tonight having a bag of snack a jacks crisps, the new cheeky chutney ones :) they're £1 a bag of 6 in asda at the min. Also sometimes use syns in meals like tonight had some Thai curry using extra light philli so synned that. Feel free to have a look through my diary, mostly green days but I've done extra easy today x veg soup sounds tasty! Could put some lentils in there to make it extra filling x
Hi all, this is my first day on the diet and I am not sure of u hv done it correctly. I am quite hungry and hv bn all day. I had 2x toast (Hexb) and fried eggs (fry light) for breakfast. Bananna at Lunch time and then for dinner I had diced chicken with onions n peppers, sw chips and mushy peas.
I am going to hv grapes later on.
Is this enough x

Hi hun
welcome to sw. I'd be hungry too if I only had a banana for lunch.
the beauty of sw is that there are so many yummy free and superfree foods that you can fill up on.
check out other food diaries on here for ideas, you definetly need more to eat. If you keep feeling hungry you'll only end up falling off plan and grabbing something high synned.

Your breakfast and dinner sounded great but just lunch needs more xxx