Step2 810kcal First weigh-in on 100%

The problem with Quorn is that it gets a bit rubbery after a while! I had a takeaway chicken tikka with salad yesterday and asked for it completely without any oil but when it came it was so greasy it made me feel sick!

How long have you been on 810 for? I found after a couple of weeks I started to crave other foods less although it never really goes away. If you can resist the tacos that's a huge step forward, they are one of my favourites so can imagine how hard that's going to be! At least he is being supportive, it is hard to see other people just eat what they want and I end up feeling so sorry for myself despite knowing I am the reason I am this size!

Boiled egg with cottage cheese is a good idea. I love eggs but have had an intolerance to the, for the past year or so, would be so much easier if I could eat them!
Hello ladies! Hope you ate having a good week- I was on Geneva for a few days last week on a trip so have not done cd at all. Not weighing in till day do hoping to undo a bit of damage by then!! Xxx
Hello ladies x hope you are having a good week. I was in Geneva for a few days last week so didn't do cd at all and have also been off plan this weekend. I am back on track today and not weighing in till sat morning so hoping to undo a bit of damage! Xx
Hey fraufrau,

Yeah today is a new week. My weigh in is on Thursday evening, but I just feel so drained already. Don't know if SS is for me, I was much happier with step 2 but I am scared that if. Go back to it it will mean I don't lose the weight as quickly! Had a really hard time on the weekend.

How does everyone make sure they don't go off plan on the weekends? I would love to get some good ideas!
Hello ladies x hope you are having a good week. I was in Geneva for a few days last week so didn't do cd at all and have also been off plan this weekend. I am back on track today and not weighing in till sat morning so hoping to undo a bit of damage! Xx

How was geneva? I've never been! *jealous*
Ooh hope you had a great time in Geneva, don't blame you for coming off plan over there! You've only got a couple of stone to go so you'll get there easily!

Sunflower - My CDC advised against stepping down plans which at first I couldn't understand but then I soon realised that 810 was the only thing that had kept me going! Still not sure I could do SS but happy to give SS+ a try. I haven't cheated once but that's because I know I don't enough time before the wedding to lose my weight so it keeps me motivated to lose as much as I can!

Feeling really down at the moment due to no loss last week. Was still 100% this week and I weighed myself at the weekend and had lost 3lbs but weighed myself this morning and had put at least 2lbs on and I don't understand how!! I could have dealt with the STS last week if I knew I would have a big loss this week but I don't even know if I'm going to get that tonight, no idea how my body can just retain the weight for 2 weeks?! Keeping my fingers crossed for a 3lbs+ loss but doubt I'll even get that....look at me..I'm such a negative Nancy!! xx
Cranberrie, you will be! Most people who STS one week lose weight the next week. Let us know how you get on. xxx;)
Hello sunflower lady! Hope you are feeling positive for WI tomorrow! I am back on the zone after my few days away! Geneva was beautiful and a real rich man's playground! I was there on a school trip for Physics and had a great time but was a bit haywire with eating as I expected really! Head is back on it now though! Xx
Hey Cranberrie!! I really hope that you have has a good WI after how hard you have tried. No matter what you will look beautiful on your wedding day!! Fingers crossed xxx
Thank you ladies! 4lb loss which I really wasn't expecting so I'll take that! When do you both have yours? xx
Hey fraufrau, sounds nice! I will have to go play in the playground at some point ;-)

Hey cranberrie! Well done! 4lbs is good! My weigh in is tomorrow evening, so will let you know how it goes!

100% SS for me today no cheating :-D and drank more than normal too! Am on 2.5ltrs already!
Well done Cranberrie!! Really pleased for you, you deserve that!! I don't weigh in until Saturday, so the best u can hope for is not to gain, but reckon I will have! Am going to be strict until Good Friday when I go to Stratford then get back on ss for another few weeks maybe until Whitsun! Good luck for tomorrow Sunflower! Xx
How did it go Sunflower? Had my fingers crossed for you :)

Ooh the Good Friday trip is getting nearer FrauFrau, will be thinking of you and thank you for the lovely comments :) xx
Hey cranberrie!

I lots 2.2 kg (4.9lbs)!!! Pretty pleased with that! Total loss is 19lbs on three weeks! Hope to keep it up! Want t reach my first goal of 99kgs by mid April, but its looking a little tight so need to be extra good about it all!!!

Have a 100% Friday! Xxxx
That's fantastic Sunflower, you must feel great with it dropping off you at that rate - keep up the excellent work! Hard weekend food wise as have been resisting lots of yummy catered food at events but looking back at some pictures of myself in December and can't believe I let myself get that big - huge motivation!
Have an excellent weekend ladies and here's to a great week :) xx
Thanks ladies!

Today has been hard as it the weekend and went to the ideal one show. The first floor had a food section... Hard!!!!

Cranberrie I look at my pictures and can barely see a difference! Makes me depressed to think I have lost over a stone and you can't see a difference! Hoping I start seeing it soon.

Good luck for the evening and tomorrow!!! Xxx
Aww I can imagine that must have been so difficult, well done for getting through it!

The most important change is how you feel - do you feel lighter? I've been around 15st since 2008 but last year I went up to 17.5st, what scares me is that I didn't feel any bigger at that weight but I look back at pictures from Christmas and am disgusted at how bit I let myself get! I won't feel like I'm properly achieving anything until I hit below 15st but I am loving that permanent light feeling!

it is frustrating to not see instant results when we're putting so much hard work into this and have gone cold turkey from our previous eating habits but I keep telling myself that it took years to put all that weight on - 5 months of hard work is nothing in comparison!!

FrauFrau - how did you get on at your WI? xx
Cranberrie I don't feel any different yet! My weightier the last 5 years has always fluctuated between 105kg and 120kg, I just hit 105 on my scales, so maybe now I will start to feel that difference :)

Old pictures can be very motivating! Just keep looking at them and vow you will never let yourself get like that again!

Hope you have a good day! When is your WI?
Yep you will definitely start to notice as of now, such a good feeling! Well done for getting back down to 105, that's a huge loss from 120kg!

WI was today - lost 3lbs :) Best of luck for yours xx